Statistics Today: +692 cases, +5 deaths, +974 first doses, +4,694 second doses, +14,815 other doses. Currently 733 in hospital / 113 in ICU. first doses second doses third doses of adults 93.5% 91.0% 56.2% of over-12s 93.2% 90.6% 53.9% of over-5s 90.5% 85.6% * of all BCers 89.6% 84.8% 50.0% Charts From this tweet: From… Continue reading 2022-02-18 BC
Month: February 2022
2022-02-18 General
Vaccines This preprint from Israel says that a fourth dose is helpful, but not that much. The efficacy versus people who had three doses was: 30% for Pfizer; 11% for Moderna. In other words, in cohorts of N people with three doses, N people with three doses plus 1 dose of Pfizer, and N people… Continue reading 2022-02-18 General
2022-02-17 BC
Mitigation Measures This article reports that the Dr. Henry lifted the Order that businesses must allow workers to work from home if possible. Statistics +782 cases, +5 deaths, +982 first doses, +4,978 second doses, +13,800 other doses. Currently 744 in hospital / 120 in ICU. first doses second doses third doses of adults 93.5% 91.0%… Continue reading 2022-02-17 BC
2022-02-17 General
It was a really stunningly slow news day today. There are lots of articles navel-gazing about “what does it mean for the pandemic to be over?” but not much real news. Vaccines This article reports that Health Canada (finally) approved Novavax! Novavax had really good results — 90% effective against infection and 100% effective against… Continue reading 2022-02-17 General
2022-02-16 BC
Statistics +750 cases, +11 deaths, +954 first doses, +3,975 second doses, +13,721 other doses. Currently 762 in hospital / 121 in ICU. first doses second doses third doses of adults 93.5% 91.0% 55.7% of over-12s 93.1% 90.5% 53.3% of over-5s 90.4% 85.4% * of all BCers 89.6% 84.6% 49.4% Charts From this tweet:
2022-02-16 General
Long COVID This preprint and this lay article report on a big US study of mental health effects after COVID-19 which found that people who had had COVID-19 had (compared to controls): 1.35x risk of anxiety disorders; 1.39x risk of depressive disorders; 1.38x risk of stress and adjustment disorders; 1.55x risk of antidepressant use; 1.65x… Continue reading 2022-02-16 General
2022-02-15 BC
Press Briefing The press briefing today (video, slides) mostly featured Premier Horgan, Minister Dix, and Dr. Henry talking about how wonderful British Columbians were for pulling together to get us to this point blah blah, talking about restrictions that were being lifted, and justifying why it was time. The changes to Orders are: No restrictions… Continue reading 2022-02-15 BC
2022-02-15 General
Mitigation Measures This article reports that border mitigation measures are being softened. Starting on 28 Feb: People can use a RAT instead of PCR test to get back into the country. (I don’t know how they verify the test date.) There will still be random PCR checks at the border, but if you have to… Continue reading 2022-02-15 General
2022-02-12/13/14 General
Vaccines This preprint says that if you are unvaccinated and get Omicron, that protects you against Omicron, but your protection against anything else is pretty crappy. If you get Omicron after getting vaccinated, you get really really good protection against all known variants. Treatments Two articles have come out in the past week which say… Continue reading 2022-02-12/13/14 General
2022-02-14 BC
Statistics Fri/Sat: +1,151 casesSat/Sun: +883 casesSun/Mon: +667 cases Over weekend, approximately +6 deaths/day, +1,089 first doses, +4,981 second doses, +19,041 other doses per day. Currently 803 in hospital / 119 in ICU. first doses second doses third doses of adults 93.5% 90.9% 55.3% of over-12s 93.1% 90.5% 52.7% of over-5s 90.4% 85.3% * of all… Continue reading 2022-02-14 BC