Today: +692 cases, +5 deaths, +974 first doses, +4,694 second doses, +14,815 other doses.
Currently 733 in hospital / 113 in ICU.
first doses | second doses | third doses | |
of adults | 93.5% | 91.0% | 56.2% |
of over-12s | 93.2% | 90.6% | 53.9% |
of over-5s | 90.5% | 85.6% | * |
of all BCers | 89.6% | 84.8% | 50.0% |
From this tweet:
From the Government of Canada’s vaccine page, showing percent of BCers partially, fully, or fully+boosted:

Note that the scale goes from 0-100% for partially and fully vaxxed, but 0-80% for boosted.