2023-04-20 General

Folks, we have a problem. We have a problem with language. When I say “Long COVID”, you probably immediately think “brain fog and/or fatigue” (and maybe you’ll think of a persistent cough and/or loss of smell/taste). What you probably do not think of is a higher chance of severe illness/death from something that doesn’t look… Continue reading 2023-04-20 General

2023-04-20 BC

The province is reducing how often it releases data. They next data release will be on 4 May 2023. Statistics As of today, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 15 April there were: +519 reported cases, +152 hospital admissions, +27 ICU admissions, +19 thirty-day all-cause deaths*. As of today, the weekly… Continue reading 2023-04-20 BC

Categorized as BC

2023-04-17 BC small

Transmission This article quotes someone from the federally-funded Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network (i.e. they probably know what they are talking about) who says that 2% of people in BC are contagious with COVID-19 right now. But maybe the CVRRN is too pessimistic? Well, this twitter thread (by someone who has traditionally been more pessimistic… Continue reading 2023-04-17 BC small

Categorized as BC

2023-04-07 BC small

Wastewater In yesterday’s BC post, I mentioned that the wastewater data didn’t match last week’s. At yesterday’s press conference (see below, which I missed because I didn’t know it was happening, then it took a while to find good video footage of it), the province said they have re-tested all of their historical samples of… Continue reading 2023-04-07 BC small

2023-04-06 BC

Mitigation Measures This article reports that the province has lifted several mitigation measures: Dr. Henry did say that some mitigation measures might return in the fall. Yeah, good luck with putting that cat back in that bag. Somehow I missed it, but this article from 21 March 2023 says that the Vancouver City Council made… Continue reading 2023-04-06 BC

2023-04-06 General

Transmission It is pretty clear to me that COVID-19 spread is airborne — there has been lots of evidence in the literature for that — but I had not seen any evidence that it spread via surface contact (fomites). This paper from the UK makes a strong case for fomites being important. They tracked household… Continue reading 2023-04-06 General