Vaccination Clinics Dix tweeted that if you have registered, you will be contact to book if you are: Over 56 years old (born in 1965) – at midnight tonight Over 54 years old (1967 or earlier) – on Sun, May 2 Over 52 years old (born in 1969) – on Tues, May 4 Over 50… Continue reading 2021-04-29 BC
Month: April 2021
2021-04-28/9 General
I was busy on 28 April, sorry. I’m also getting bored with articles/papers which say: OMG look at how well vaccines work! People in a group known to have poor immune responses to vaccines have poor response to just one dose of COVID vax, and should be prioritized for second doses! Here’s yet another vaccine… Continue reading 2021-04-28/9 General
2021-04-28 BC
Today’s post is going to be ultra-short because I was busy getting ready to put my primary laptop into the shop *sob* to get the R key on my keyboard fixed *yay*. Pop-up Clinics The pop-up clinics have had long lines and vaccinated a lot of people who found them without (almost?) any advertising. This… Continue reading 2021-04-28 BC
2021-04-27 BC
Vaccination Clinics Fraser Health opened up three pop-up AZ clinics in “hotspot communities” for people 30+ who live in those communities. At least, that’s how it was supposed to work. Apparently some places were not checking the postal codes. I don’t know if: There is a quiet policy to vaccinate anybody who comes in. The… Continue reading 2021-04-27 BC
2021-04-27 General
Measures There’s an interesting report on pandemics which were stopped and how it was done. (It’s long, though.) Vaccines Ho-hum, even more vaccines in the news. Today Vietnam’s Nano Covax and Cuba’s Abdala had promising new. (We are going to have SO. MUCH. VAX!)
2021-04-26 BC
Press Briefing Mostly the briefing was stats, see below. Dr. Henry said: Of the 17 people who died this weekend, one person was in a long-term care home. Two were over 90, seven were 80-90, five were 70-79, two were 60-69, and one was between 50 and 59. They work with the coroner’s office to… Continue reading 2021-04-26 BC
2021-04-26 General
Borders There is a scathing article about f-ups by the company which runs the international border quarantine program, saying that oversight of people in quarantine is ah weak. Vaccines The US is going to distribute its 60M doses of AZ to other countries. I don’t know how they are going to work around the clause… Continue reading 2021-04-26 General
2021-04-23 General
Vaccines The National Advisory Council on Immunizations today advised that AZ can be given to people as young as 30. They did also say, however, that mRNA vaccines were preferred. I have talked before about how we are going to have SO. MUCH. VAX in the next year. Today, the famous high-tech powerhouse of Kazakhstan,… Continue reading 2021-04-23 General
2021-04-23 BC
Measures Today, Minister Farnsworth issued new Orders designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For the next five weeks, people doing non-essential travel between regions will fined $575. The regions are: Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Authorities Northern and Interior Health Authorities Vancouver Island Health Authority One of my friends pointed out that this is… Continue reading 2021-04-23 BC
2021-04-22 BC
Press Briefing IMHO, this was the least interesting press briefing that we’ve had. Dr.H gave provisional stats, then didn’t really say much aside from telling people that things sucked in hospitals now and exhorting people to Do The Things: stay away from people, mask up, don’t travel, register to get vaccinated, etc. Surgeries postponed Dix… Continue reading 2021-04-22 BC