Today, Minister Farnsworth issued new Orders designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For the next five weeks, people doing non-essential travel between regions will fined $575. The regions are:
- Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Authorities
- Northern and Interior Health Authorities
- Vancouver Island Health Authority
One of my friends pointed out that this is basically quarantining the Lower Mainland without saying that part out loud. I think that’s fair, we in the LM are pretty radioactive right now.
Essential travel is also defined by the Orders, but it’s what you’d expect.
Playland, an amusement park in Vancouver, announced that it was opening. Many on social media are scratching their heads — it’s not really a good look for a normally-crowded attraction to be announcing opening while public health keeps asking people to stay home.
To be fair, it is outdoors, they are requiring masks, and they are limiting capacity. The optics are horrible, but it’s probably as safe as taking a walk on the seawall.
The Indigo Pharmacy offered a pop-up vax clinic at Hollyburn Country Club. The province shut that down pretty quickly.
The province aggressively vaccinated people in the DTES, and apparently they are getting close to having herd immunity there.
+1001 cases, +4 deaths, +41,458 first doses, +188 second doses, of which 13233 were AZ doses.
Currently 486 in hospital / 160 in ICU, 8,842 active cases; 12,608 under monitoring, 113,139 recovered.
We have 292,364 doses in the fridges, which we’ll use up in 7.0 days at today’s rate. We have given more doses than we had received by 9 days ago.
We have 156,153 mRNA doses in the fridges, which we’ll use up in 5.5 days at today’s rate. We have given more mRNA doses than we had gotten by 8 days ago.
We have 136,211 doses of AZ, which we’ll use up in 10.3 days at today’s rate.

Is it just me, or does that repeating wavy red line in the deaths chart look fishy to anyone else? It’s got a period of longer than a week, so it’s not like people die when the docs go home for the weekend.