This article quotes someone from the federally-funded Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network (i.e. they probably know what they are talking about) who says that 2% of people in BC are contagious with COVID-19 right now.
But maybe the CVRRN is too pessimistic? Well, this twitter thread (by someone who has traditionally been more pessimistic than other sources, but I’m starting to think she’s right) estimates that 5.8% of people in BC are infected so just under 3% are contagious right now. (The twitter thread goes into the numbers in a lot of detail.)
This article says that the absentee rate for teachers and educational assistants in the 2022/2023 school year is almost the same as it was in the 2021/2022 — which had the Omicron wave in it.
The Metro Van wastewater data is out. It does not have the new analysis values for the old wastewater (as the province’s data has), but it has been long enough since they switched to the new process that you can see the trends post-switch, and it does not look good. From Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: