2021-06-01 BC

Mitigation Measures (removal) The PNE is going to open after all! It’s set to open on June 11. This article says that the province is seeking to grab thousands of dollars (under civil asset forfeiture) from the guy who got busted running a nightclub in his downtown condo. Variants The BC CDC Weekly Data Summary… Continue reading 2021-06-01 BC

2021-05-30/31 BC

The news has been slow, I think in part because the US has a long weekend, but also because COVID-19 is generally receding as a major issue, certainly in the US but also somewhat in Canada. Variants On Thursday, Dr. Henry nonchalantly announced that they were dropping the dose interval from 16 weeks to 8… Continue reading 2021-05-30/31 BC

2021-05-29 BC

Transmission This article says that BC CDC is doing a study of transmission of COVID-19 from cats to humans. Vaccines It’s now okay to use AZ for a month past its posted expiry date. Some provinces have doses expiring on 31 May. (Dr.Henry has said that ours expires at the end of June.)

Categorized as BC

2021-05-28 BC

Vaccinations BC continues to vax like crazy, with a record 73,458 doses today! That’s 1.4% of all BCers vaxxed in a day. Here’s what the age breakdown for women looks like: Men are a little bit behind, especially younger men: Statistics +317 cases, +2 deaths, +69,303 first doses (!!!), +4,155 second doses. Currently 292 in… Continue reading 2021-05-28 BC

2021-05-27 BC

Variants B.1.617.2 is now dominant in the UK. This is legit something to worry about, as one dose of vax is only about half as good as two doses. Fortunately, we don’t have a lot of it in BC — yet. Press Briefing Dr. Henry said: We’ve passed 3M doses given, yay! We are changing… Continue reading 2021-05-27 BC

2021-05-26 BC

Vaccinations On a COVID Slack channel that I frequent, the question has come up: “Why are we sitting on 127,917 AstraZeneca doses? If we are saving them for second doses, why not use them as second doses?” I think that’s an excellent question, and we’ve come up with the following possible reasons: They are scared… Continue reading 2021-05-26 BC

2021-05-25 BC

Vaccinations BC is changing the interval between first and second doses from 112 days/16 weeks to 50 days/~7 weeks for Pfizer. That means almost all 70+ will be eligible right away. Unfortunately, a lot of the 70+ yos are not in the system right now. Age Cohort size Registrations (by last week) % registered 70-79… Continue reading 2021-05-25 BC

2021-05-22/23/24 BC

It was kind of slow over the weekend, so I’m doing three days at once. Mitigation Measures The police cleared out a crowd at English Bay beach on Friday at 10p when the beaches officially closed. Police turned back about 100 cars and fined two at travel-denying checkpoints. Those two just… didn’t stop. Vaccination I… Continue reading 2021-05-22/23/24 BC

2021-05-21 BC

Vaccination clinics A milestone day: 50% of the total population of BC and 62% of adults have gotten at least one dose of vax! Here’s the breakdown by age: Statistics +420 cases, +6 deaths, +53,160 first doses, +3,500 second doses. Currently 319 in hospital / 107 in ICU, 4,507 active cases, 135,068 recovered. NB: I’m… Continue reading 2021-05-21 BC

2021-05-20 BC

Vaccines There is a vaccine mix&match study that you can participate in, here, in BC! The clinical trial details are: 1 or 4 months between doses BNT-Pfizer, Moderna, AZ Matched vax for each schedule change (but AZ will only be 4 months) Alternating for each combo (except AZ will only ever be dose 1) Press… Continue reading 2021-05-20 BC