Statistics +649 cases, +13 deaths, +3,596 first doses, +7,481 second doses, +5,521 other doses. Currently 365 in hospital / 142 in ICU, 5,106 active cases, 193,325 recovered. first doses second doses of adults 89.9% 84.6% of over-12s 89.4% 83.9% of all BCers 81.4% 76.3% Charts
Month: October 2021
2021-10-22 General
Vaccines This article reports that pediatric Pfizer is 90.7% effective against infection in children. Long COVID This preprint says that various forms of cognitive impairment are pretty common several months after “getting over” COVID-19. People who went the ER are more likely to have cognitive impairment than people who were treated as outpatients. Recommended Reading… Continue reading 2021-10-22 General
2021-10-21 BC
Assholes This article reports that a court granted an injunction to close a restaurant in Hope that was defying vax card rules. This article says that the city of Vancouver pulled a different restaurant’s business license. Mitigation Measures This article seems to say that we will need two different vax passports, a BC one and… Continue reading 2021-10-21 BC
2021-10-21 General
Mitigation Measures This article talks about $7.4B in relief spending that the Government of Canada has announced. All three of these programs will go until 7 May 2022. Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) will be replaced by the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit and will provide $300 a week to eligible people. The Tourism and Hospitality Recovery… Continue reading 2021-10-21 General
2021-10-20 General
Variants As this article says, they are starting to see a new variant in England called AY.4.2 or “Delta plus”. It is gaining ground on Delta, although slowly. It might be a little bit more contagious than Delta, but not hugely. It’s not like the huge advantage over Alpha that Delta had. Recommended Reading This… Continue reading 2021-10-20 General
2021-10-20 BC
Labour This article says that LifeLabs is going to strike. This tweet says that Minister Dix says that LifeLab is probably going to be declared an essential service, so won’t be significantly disrupted. Coverage This article says that BC had been denying COVID-19 coverage to people who had just moved to the province, but has… Continue reading 2021-10-20 BC
2021-10-19 General
Vaccines This preprint is yet another study showing that infection+vaccination gives a stronger and more durable response that vaccination alone or infection alone. There have been so many studies showing that result that I am getting tired and bored with them, and probably will not post any more. This preprint about vaccines and pregnancy found:… Continue reading 2021-10-19 General
2021-10-19 BC
Long Term Care Homes This article says that the province has seized all the assets of Little Mountain Place Care Home (site of the worst LTCH outbreak) and its two sister LTCHs. Influenza Season Opener One way to reduce the pandemic burden is to not increase hospitals’ burden with influenza (and to not burden COVID-19… Continue reading 2021-10-19 BC
2021-10-18 BC
Statistics Fri/Sat: +753 casesSat/Sun: +650 casesSun/Mon: +443 cases Currently 360 in hospital / 151 in ICU, 4,917 active cases, 190,918 recovered. first doses second doses of adults 89.6% 84.1% of over-12s 89.2% 83.4% of all BCers 82.2%* 75.8%* *There is now a column on the dashboard “other shots”, which I at first thought meant “boosters”,… Continue reading 2021-10-18 BC
2021-10-16/17/18 General
Vaccines This study in Sweden of mix&match effectiveness against symptomatic infection found that a second dose of mRNA was better after a first of AZ than a second dose of AZ: 1st Dose 2nd Dose Effectiveness AZ AZ 50% AZ Pfizer 67% AZ Moderna 79% Pfizer Pfizer 78% Moderna Moderna 87% This article says that… Continue reading 2021-10-16/17/18 General