2021-04-09/10 BC

Sorry no post yesterday, I was knocked flat by my first dose of AstraZeneca. Mass Vax Clinics The province that people over 60 are now eligible to register on the online site. A friend of mine who is 66 promptly got an appointment for the 15th. Prisons Dr. Henry has repeatedly talked about prisons as… Continue reading 2021-04-09/10 BC

2021-04-2/3 BC

It’s been kind of slow, with Good Friday yesterday and a Saturday today. Hockey Fourteen Canucks players and three coaches have tested positive for COVID, and the reports are that the P.1 variant is in at least some of the players. Games will be postponed until at least April 8, but daaaayam, 14 players out… Continue reading 2021-04-2/3 BC

2021-04-01 BC

Vaccine Clinics My sources tell me that the clinic at the Vancouver Convention Centre has about 20 vaccinators, with about 6 greeters and 6 check-in people. The Province announced that workers must be given time off to take the vaccine. Supply An article about supply says: 300 kilodoses of the vax which Canada withdrew from… Continue reading 2021-04-01 BC

2021-03-31 BC

Vaccinations Apparently, the three London Drugs locations which are offering AZ doses to ages 55-65 in the Lower Mainland took appointments last night and are now full. Meanwhile, the ~150 Shoppers Drugs locations don’t have an online booking system, and they are getting swamped. I was concerned yesterday that the appointment booking eligibility was stuck… Continue reading 2021-03-31 BC

2021-03-30 BC

Vaccinations Today, the province announced that people between 55 and 65 in the Lower Mainland can sign up for AstraZeneca shots tomorrow via their local pharmacies. Unofficial channels say that the province hopes to post a list of the pharmacies tomorrow. There are about 430K people between 55 and 65 in the Lower Mainland; we… Continue reading 2021-03-30 BC

2021-03-23/4 BC

You get a special two-for-one issue today because I uh was working on my taxes yesterday. Statistics Yesterday (Tuesday): +682 cases, +1 death, +18,093 first doses, +7 second doses, VOCs ID’d: +135 of B.1.1.7, 2 of B.1.351, 25 of P.1. Today: +716 cases, +3 deaths, +25,126 first doses, +12 second doses, +22 of B.1.1.7, +1… Continue reading 2021-03-23/4 BC