Today, the province announced that people between 55 and 65 in the Lower Mainland can sign up for AstraZeneca shots tomorrow via their local pharmacies. Unofficial channels say that the province hopes to post a list of the pharmacies tomorrow.
There are about 430K people between 55 and 65 in the Lower Mainland; we have about 32K doses left over from our first SII shipment; we are going to get 204K doses on loan from the US really soon. That means that BC can vax slightly more than half of the Lower Mainland cohort with the vax we’ll have by the end of the week.
They have to use the doses soon because they will expire. 41K of the 68K SII doses we got expire on April 2. If they used the first-to-expire first, that means 5400 doses expire in three days. (I don’t know when the rest expire.) The vax loaned from the US expires in May and June.
Pfizer is going to ship more doses to Canada in June, going to 2M/week instead of 1M/week. I ❤️ Pfizer!
Today: +840 cases, +0 deaths (yay!), +25,071 first doses, +30 second doses.
VOCs ID’d: +219 of B.1.1.7, +1 of B.1.351, +100 of P.1.
Currently 312 in hospital / 78 in ICU, 7,062 active cases, 11,164 under monitoring, 90,401 recovered.
210K doses in the fridge, currently 7.5 days behind supply.