Statistics Today: +569 cases, +8 cases of B.1.1.7, +3 cases of B.1.351, +0 cases of P.1, +11,402 first doses, +49 second doses, +3 deaths. Currently 244 in hospital / 68 in ICU, 4,912 active cases, 8,989 under monitoring, 79,829 recovered. Charts
2021-03-11 Modelling Briefing
Today there was a press briefing about modelling (slides, video). New Orders REVISION TO ORDERS: you can now meet up with up to ten friends outside. No change to indoors restrictions. Also: St. Patrick’s Day drinking has essentially been cancelled. Dr. Dix reminded us that it’s been one year since WHO declared a pandemic. Dr.… Continue reading 2021-03-11 Modelling Briefing
2021-03-10 General
It really seems to me like there is less COVID news than there used to be, even a month ago. There could be several contributing factors to the slowdown: Fewer massive screwups (especially in the US, especially compared to under the Trump administration). Less anxiety about the future. The vaccines have arrived, they are going… Continue reading 2021-03-10 General
2021-03-10 BC
Daily Statistics Today: +531 cases, +1 death, +11,937 first doses, +22 second doses. Newly reported +50 cases of B.1.1.7, +0 cases of B.1.351, +1 case of P.1. Currently 244 people in hospital / 66 in ICU, 4,861 active cases, 9,051 under monitoring, 79,309 recovered. Call Centre NOTE: People over 85 can call tomorrow to make… Continue reading 2021-03-10 BC
2021-03-09 BC
Statistics Today: +550 cases including +167 of B.1.1.7, +2 of B.1.351, +13 of P.1), +2 deaths, +10,041 first doses, +13 second doses. Currently 249 in hospital / 68 in ICU, 4,869 active cases, 8,971 under monitoring, 78,770 recovered. Prince Rupert The province is going to vaccinate everyone in Prince Rupert with the Moderna vaccine before… Continue reading 2021-03-09 BC
2021-03-09 General
Long COVID There’s a good article in The Atlantic about Long COVID, which suggests that the problem is sometimes in the autonomic nervous system, and can be helped quite a bit by — no kidding — breathwork. Recommended. Influenza One strangeness of These Times is that influenza is GONE this year: zero influenza cases detected… Continue reading 2021-03-09 General
2021-03-08 General
VOC A preprint says that people who had B.1.351 had antibodies that worked well against COVID Classic and also against P.1. This is outstanding news — it means that the counter-B.1.351 boosters being developed will work against the scaries! There is yet another study which says that, while the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines (Pfizer in… Continue reading 2021-03-08 General
2021-03-08 BC
Call Centres Today was the first day of call-in registration for appointments for indigenous people over 65 / non-indigenous people over 90, and it did not go well, especially in Vancouver Coastal Health. Health Authority Appointments booked Fraser Health 8,722 Interior Health 2,456 Vancouver Island 2,395 Northern Health 1,007 Vancouver Coastal 369 Fraser Health is… Continue reading 2021-03-08 BC
2021-03-07 BC
The Canadian allocations page has been updated, and it looks like Moderna is going to deliver 1,660,800 by the end of March, quite a bit shy of the 2M which they were supposed to deliver. (I suppose they could deliver 340K on March 29, 30, or 31, but I’m not holding my breath.) Based on… Continue reading 2021-03-07 BC
2021-03-06 General
Treatments Fluvoxamine — an old anti-depressant — is being tested as a treatment for COVID. VOCs Yet another paper says that our vaccines (in this case, Moderna and Novavax) work against B.1.1.7.