2021-06-16 BC

Vaccinations More vaccination appointments have opened up, which might mean that the big Moderna shipment (of 392K doses) has arrived. If you have already booked, you might be able to move up by doing the following: Find your confirmation email with your booking confirmation number (the email message will be from BCVaccDoNotReply@hlth.gov.bc.ca). (You can also… Continue reading 2021-06-16 BC

2021-06-11 BC

Supply The 37,500 doses of Johnson & Johnson vax that we have will probably have to be fucking scrapped; see today’s General post. Vaccinations Vaccinations are still progressing nicely in all age groups: Variants The Delta strain is nasty, as this tweet thread discusses: 64% more transmissible and 2x hospitalization risk. Statistics Today: +180 cases,… Continue reading 2021-06-11 BC

2021-06-07 BC

Vaccinations This article mentions that some pharmacies which gave first doses of AZ are not going to give second doses of AZ. It is not clear where/how people who got first doses at such pharmacies should get their second doses. BC pharmacy association says you should expect your pharmacy to contact you about a second… Continue reading 2021-06-07 BC

2021-06-05/06 BC

Vaccinations A lot of you are probably wondering when you are going to get your second dose. Team AZ is probably wondering how long you’ll have to wait if for an mRNA if you turn down AZ. I made some SWAGs. Dose1 date AZ Dose2 mRNA Dose2 2021-03-22 2021-06-08 2021-06-10 2021-03-29 2021-06-10 2021-06-16 2021-04-05 2021-06-10… Continue reading 2021-06-05/06 BC

2021-06-04 BC

AZ+AZ vs. AZ+mRNA Ed: updated on 7 June to include the small Saarland study. Ed: updated on 6 July to include the Cologne study. A fair number of Team AZ members are wondering if they should choose an mRNA vax or AZ for their second dose. Below is what I know; this article also gives… Continue reading 2021-06-04 BC

2021-06-02 BC

Mitigation Measures The Haida nation will open back up to visitors, starting at Stage 3. There was a large outdoor gathering in the Interior. (It looks like on the grand scale of things, it probably wasn’t that dangerous, but def in violation.) Fines were issued. Vaccinations This tweet says that the young adults have registered… Continue reading 2021-06-02 BC

2021-06-01 BC

Mitigation Measures (removal) The PNE is going to open after all! It’s set to open on June 11. This article says that the province is seeking to grab thousands of dollars (under civil asset forfeiture) from the guy who got busted running a nightclub in his downtown condo. Variants The BC CDC Weekly Data Summary… Continue reading 2021-06-01 BC

2021-05-28 BC

Vaccinations BC continues to vax like crazy, with a record 73,458 doses today! That’s 1.4% of all BCers vaxxed in a day. Here’s what the age breakdown for women looks like: Men are a little bit behind, especially younger men: Statistics +317 cases, +2 deaths, +69,303 first doses (!!!), +4,155 second doses. Currently 292 in… Continue reading 2021-05-28 BC

2021-05-26 BC

Vaccinations On a COVID Slack channel that I frequent, the question has come up: “Why are we sitting on 127,917 AstraZeneca doses? If we are saving them for second doses, why not use them as second doses?” I think that’s an excellent question, and we’ve come up with the following possible reasons: They are scared… Continue reading 2021-05-26 BC

2021-05-25 BC

Vaccinations BC is changing the interval between first and second doses from 112 days/16 weeks to 50 days/~7 weeks for Pfizer. That means almost all 70+ will be eligible right away. Unfortunately, a lot of the 70+ yos are not in the system right now. Age Cohort size Registrations (by last week) % registered 70-79… Continue reading 2021-05-25 BC