Vaccinations There will be a pop-up vax clinic at Playland this weekend. Statistics Cases are rising. It’s not just noise in the system, they really are rising. I have the sense that we are in a good space right now: case counts are low, most eligible people are double-vaccinated, and two doses our vaccines work… Continue reading 2021-07-22 BC
Category: Vaccine Clinics
2021-07-16 BC
Vaccinations In this article, Dr. Henry points out that evacuation centres (for e.g. wildfires) make distancing difficult, so if you live in a wildfire area, you really ought to get your vaccination ASAP. Variants Delta is now 37% of cases. Uh-oh. Mitigation Measures In this article: Horgan goes along with Trudeau’s plans to open the… Continue reading 2021-07-16 BC
2021-07-13 BC
Vaccines This article slags the province for throwing away expired AZ doses. This really surprised me. I watch the supply carefully, noting when we got how many doses of which vaccine, and I don’t think we have much expiring. BC has used 64K less than they have received. The expiry date is either six or… Continue reading 2021-07-13 BC
2021-07-12 BC
Vaccine Clinics Here are graphs of BC’s first and second dose rates by age: Variants I mentioned in yesterday’s General post that the Netherlands is seeing a meteoric rise in cases. There are two things I should have mentioned: The Dutch removed almost all restrictions on 26 June, just five days before BC removed almost… Continue reading 2021-07-12 BC
2021-07-10 BC
Vaccine clinics I’ve been grousing about WHY ISN’T THE PROVINCE VAXXING FASTER, but I think I understand why now. The max day of 82K? That might not have been a the one-day result: it might include doses from previous days which just didn’t get logged properly. (On Thursday, the province logged 93K doses, and it… Continue reading 2021-07-10 BC
2021-07-03/04/05 BC
Mitigation Measures The province has announced that universities and colleges are going back to in-person in the fall. Vaccine Clinics Fraser Health has said you can walk in to any of their clinics for your first dose. I heard from someone that VCH — or at least the West End Community Clinic — is doing… Continue reading 2021-07-03/04/05 BC
2021-06-25 BC
Vaccinations Here’s Justin McElroy’s weekly vax (first dose) by age charts. As always, the women are getting vaxxed more than the men. I was busy with stuff yesterday so didn’t describe my visit to the West End Community Center, escorting my favorite spouse. Observations, in no particular order: There was no waiting at all. It… Continue reading 2021-06-25 BC
2021-06-23 BC
Vaccines I have wondered how much vax is getting wasted. DrH has assured us a few times (several months ago) that it’s “very little”, but the reporters have not asked for numbers and it’s not in the data. Well, yesterday, Dix said something like “We only have around forty thousand doses of Pfizer right now”.… Continue reading 2021-06-23 BC
2021-06-21 BC
Variants Huh. I hadn’t paid attention to the Variants of Concern report in a while, and it turns out that the percentage of cases which are Delta is actually falling in BC. Not just the raw case count, but the proportion. I didn’t think that was supposed to happen! Gamma is rising, but Gamma isn’t… Continue reading 2021-06-21 BC
2021-06-19/20 BC
Vaccination Clinics There are pop-up vax clinics in the Interior for first doses. A vax-a-thon in Surrey over the weekend gave 7000 shots! This is an interesting article about vaccine hesitancy in Richmond. While the vax rate is now on par with the rest of the province, it was significantly lower for a while. The… Continue reading 2021-06-19/20 BC