2022-03-01 BC

Press Conference My interpretation of what Dr. Henry said (video) is: Novavax is only approved for people 18 to 64. (They didn’t have enough old people in the trials.) It is safe to mix and match with Novavax, or to get it as a booster. If you want it, call 1-833-838-2323 and get yourself on… Continue reading 2022-03-01 BC

2022-02-23 BC

Mitigation Measures This article reports that the The College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C. has disciplined a doctor for spreading disinfo and veterinary-grade ivermectin. Press Briefing The video is here. Dr.H said: Canada expects to get Novavax within a week to ten days. She pointed out that there were zero fetal cells used in… Continue reading 2022-02-23 BC

2022-02-15 BC

Press Briefing The press briefing today (video, slides) mostly featured Premier Horgan, Minister Dix, and Dr. Henry talking about how wonderful British Columbians were for pulling together to get us to this point blah blah, talking about restrictions that were being lifted, and justifying why it was time. The changes to Orders are: No restrictions… Continue reading 2022-02-15 BC

2022-02-09 BC

Press Briefing Things that I thought were of interest and novel: They are going to stop reporting the number of active cases and recovered, because they aren’t accurate any more. But why, then, are they still going to report the number of cases? Those are just as inaccurate. NACI gave some guidance on boosters which… Continue reading 2022-02-09 BC

2022-02-01 BC

Press Briefing Here is what I found interesting/novel in today’s briefing (video, slides): Paxlovid BC has 4000 doses coming (or here already? unclear), and that’s way fewer than the number of cases. Paxlovid has to be started within five days of symptoms. DrH said they have set up a “hub and spoke” model so that… Continue reading 2022-02-01 BC

2022-01-28 BC

Vaccinations This article reports that a BC judge ordered that a child of divorced parents be vaccinated. (One parent wanted vax and the other did not.) Press Briefing This briefing was reeeally dull. DrH opened with, no shit, a retrospective of the pandemic. I guess it was good for reminding us of what obstacles we… Continue reading 2022-01-28 BC

2022-01-25 BC

Press Conference Here’s what I thought was new and interesting from today’s press conference: The case growth rate is dropping, but there are still lots of people sick. The vax card program is being extended to 30 June 2022 for people over 12. If we are in “a better place” before then, they might drop… Continue reading 2022-01-25 BC

2022-01-21 BC

NOTE: I had been grabbing the number of tests from the wrong place on the BC CDC dashboard, which meant that my positivity numbers were wrong. I’ll go back and fix blog posts retroactively, but among the charts below is a rolling 7-day average of positivity from the BC CDC dashboard. Transmission I’ve gotten some… Continue reading 2022-01-21 BC

2022-01-18 BC

Press Briefing Here’s what they said which I found new and interesting: The Orders about bars and nightclubs being closed and performances being at half-capacity have been extended until 16 Feb. Funerals and weddings can still go on as always, but the parties associated with them are still restricted. COVID Safety Plan requirements and vax… Continue reading 2022-01-18 BC

2022-01-14 BC

Press Briefing Today’s presser was more interesting than some recent ones (video, slides). DrH presented some good evidence that cases are dropping. She said she thought we peaked last weekend. Something I thought was interesting about this figure was they called out how VCH’s peak and London’s peaks were not pointy, saying it was because… Continue reading 2022-01-14 BC