So.. I uh, never published this last Friday because I kept waiting for the federal vax page to update the vax-by-age-over-time charts to update… and they never did. They still are not updated. So here’s just the wastewater chart. Charts From my buddy Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: As a bonus, here’s the variant breakdown, from Friday’s… Continue reading 2022-05-06 on 2022-05-11(oops) BC (tiny)
Category: BC
week ending 2022-05-05 BC
As near as I can tell, things did not get a lot worse this week. The indicators seem to say that the situation is plateauing in BC. Hospitals This article says that nurses want to talk about how dire the situation is in the hospitals, but that whistleblowers are being retaliated against. Treatments This article… Continue reading week ending 2022-05-05 BC
2022-04-29 BC (tiny)
Charts From Jeff’s spreadsheet: From the federal vax page:
week ending 2022-04-28 BC
Okay, folks, I am now willing to say that we are in the middle of a big wave that nobody is talking about. There are currently 570 people in hospital with COVID-19, and the pre-Omicron max hospitalizations was 515 (on 28 April 2021). This is bad. Yes, yes, some of them are there “with” COVID-19… Continue reading week ending 2022-04-28 BC
2022-04-22 BC (tiny)
There are several charts with come out on Fridays, so I will make this tiny little stub of a blog post just for those charts. Charts From my buddy Jeff (who says that yes he collects manually, but it’s cut and paste so unlikely to be numerically incorrect)’s Google Sheet: See also the Lower Mainland… Continue reading 2022-04-22 BC (tiny)
Week ending 2022-04-21 BC
Transmission This article says that a medium-security prison in Agassiz had an outbreak where 59 prisoners got sick. This article says there was another outbreak at Kelowna General. This article says that two cruise ships are scheduled to arrive on Thursday, and one has enough COVID-19 cases (>0.3% of passengers) to trigger an investigation. (I… Continue reading Week ending 2022-04-21 BC
Week ending 2022-04-14 BC
Testing From today’s BC COVID-19 Situation Report, wastewater COVID-19 levels are going up: Vaccines The BC CDC dashboard says that Novavax vaccines have arrived! The province is being lazy and using the J&J slot to now mean “J&J and Novavax”, but I think that the J&J never got distributed. The dashboard says that 93 of… Continue reading Week ending 2022-04-14 BC
2022-04-05/06 BC
The province announced that they are going to switch to only reporting numbers once a week, and implied that it would be Thursdays. They also implied that the data would be a week old at this point. In conjunction with this, I think I am going to switch to once-per-week reporting, probably on Thursdays. Today… Continue reading 2022-04-05/06 BC
2022-04-02/03/04 BC
Transmission This article reports that 9 of 11 cruise ships which were supposed to go to Victoria have already cancelled, probably because of COVID-19 cases. Government This article reports that Premier Horgan has COVID-19. Testing This article has things slightly garbled, I think. It says that it’s no longer required to report the results of… Continue reading 2022-04-02/03/04 BC
2202-03-31 and 2202-04-01 BC
Mitigation Measures This press release says that the province will give almost $17M in grants to BC arts organizations. Statistics Wed/Thu: +291 cases, +6 deaths, +279 first doses, +816 second doses, +1,899 other doses. 291 in hospital / 43 in ICU. Thu/Fri: +357 cases, +4 deaths, +591 first doses, +1,384 second doses, +2,252 third doses..… Continue reading 2202-03-31 and 2202-04-01 BC