week ending 2022-06-23 BC

Mitigation Measures

This article reports that Prince George is suing its insurer, who is denying claims for losses stemming from losses due to closures for COVID-19.

This article reports that Minister Dix says there are no plans to lift vax mandates for public servants and health-care workers.

This article reports that the province says that there were 13,946,806 virtual health care visits in 2020-21 — more than nineteen times what there were in 2019-20 and almost 2.5 times as many as there were in-person visits.


This report (from April 2022) says that people who use drugs in DTES and Downtown South did not lag that much in getting a second dose, but they are way behind in getting boosters.

I suspect that Public Health outreach worked harder on the first two doses, but I have no data to support that supposition.

(I also wonder what “people who use drugs” really means in the context of this article. Almost everybody uses caffeine and alcohol, and I have the impression that a lot of people smoke weed.)


Today’s BC CDC weekly report says that the week ending on 18 June there were: +642 cases, +156 hospital admissions, +26 all-cause deaths.

Today’s weekly report says that the previous week (ending on 11 June) there were: +726 cases, +220 hospital admissions, +61 all-cause deaths.

Last week’s report said that in its current week (ending on 11 June) there were: +726 cases, +189 hospital admissions, +50 all-cause deaths.


From the weekly report:

From the situation report (I will post a better and more up-to-date wastewater chart tomorrow):

From a Global News article: