It looks like things are improving, but they are still not good. The number in hospital is still higher than the max of the Delta wave.
FYI, they aren’t good in the USA, either, and they are getting worse in a lot of places. For example, Seattle (yellow is cases, red is deaths; line is seven-day-average, dots are individual days):

You might want to think twice about going to Costco in Bellingham:

Today’s BC CDC weekly report says that the week ending on 28 May there were: +1,163 cases, +265 hospital admissions, +44 all-cause deaths.
Today’s weekly report says that last week (ending on 21 May) there were: +1,358 cases, +345 hospital admissions, +72 all-cause deaths.
Last week’s weekly report said that last week (ending on 21 May) there were: +1,358 cases, +282 hospital admissions, +42 all-cause deaths.
This article reports that a BC man got a payout from the vaccine injury fund after getting Guillain-Barré Syndrome. Guillain-Barré Syndrome is a well-known but extremely rare (1 in 700,000) side-effect of vaccination. I knew about the vaccine injury fund, and thought it was a Good Thing. What I did not know was that the max payout is only $284,000. That seems pitifully small to me.
From the BC CDC weekly report:

Soooo many caveats for these charts….