The outlets where I usually get my news are filled this week with articles speculating on what the Trump win means for health care in the USA, crowding out pandemic news. So it’s a slow news week. COVID-19 Vaccines ⭐ This article (2024-11-04) helps to explain why we aren’t getting Novavax vaccine in Canada. In… Continue reading 2024-11-08 General
Category: COVID-19
2024-11-03 General
Vaccines ⭐ This preprint from USA (2024-10-12) is about an influenza vaccine study, but it relevant to both COVID-19 and bird flu so I’m putting it at the top. In this study, the researchers used what they call “prime and spike” strategy for influenza where “prime” is an intramuscular injection and “spike” is a nasal… Continue reading 2024-11-03 General
2024-10-26 General
COVID-19 Long COVID ⭐ This paper from Sweden (2024-10-16) reports that many Long COVID patients have cardiovascular problems. 41% had microvascular endothelial dysfunction — basically, messed up blood vessels. Another 20% had a poor reactive hyperemia index — IIUC, something that measures the ability of the cardiovascular system to self-regulate. In addition, the patients who… Continue reading 2024-10-26 General
2024-10-18 General
COVID-19 Pandemic Side Effects It’s not a surprise that a lot of cancer diagnoses didn’t get made in 2020 — everything was hectic. The strange thing that this paper from USA (2024-10-14) shows is that those missing cases never showed up again! 127,931 cancer cases are still missing and they aren’t sure why. Some of… Continue reading 2024-10-18 General
2024-10-14 General
I’m going to try marking snippets with “AGAIN:” if it’s more evidence of something that we already knew, like that COVID-19 infections increase your risk of autoimmune disorders. COVID-19 COVID-Related Excess Sickness and Death It looks like one of the ways that COVID-19 kills people that doesn’t get listed as a COVID-19 death is car… Continue reading 2024-10-14 General
2024-10-05 General
COVID-19 Long COVID One strange thing about human DNA is that there is DNA for viruses (called human endogenous retroviruses, HERV) embedded in our genome, presumably left over from ancient viral infections. Usually they stay there, but every once in a while they get loose. This paper from Spain (2024-07-31) reports that the levels of… Continue reading 2024-10-05 General
2024-09-30 General
Public Service Announcement: Get your flu shot! This pre-pandemic paper from Canada (2018-01-18) reports that the risk of heart attack goes up by about TEN TIMES in the week after an influenza B infection compared to the year before and year after. (Influenza B is much less common than influenza A, fortunately.) Other respiratory diseases… Continue reading 2024-09-30 General
2024-09-25 General/BC
About scheduling: I seem to take longer and longer to get this done. Unless anybody says something about it, that’s not likely to change. COVID-19 Long COVID This paper from USA (2024-08-09) reports that 71% of pediatric Long COVID patients have problems with orthostatic intolerance, which basically means they have trouble with maintaining blood pressure… Continue reading 2024-09-25 General/BC
2024-09-15 General
Defies Heading Classification This paper from China (2024-09-04) reports that animals farmed for fur carry a TON of nasty viruses. They looked at 461 fur animals that they found dead (412 from fur and/or livestock farms and 49 from wild settings) from all over China, and found seven coronaviruses, three types of influenza, Japanese encephalitis… Continue reading 2024-09-15 General
2024-09-07 General
COVID-19 Long COVID This paper (2024-09-05) reports that baricitinib and anakinra — relatively commonly used immunomodulatory drugs — can effectively treat lung fibrosis in mice (which can cause the Long COVID symptom of shortness of breath). This paper from USA (2024-08-26) reports that even mild COVID-19 infections can cause increased levels of autoantibodies, and Long… Continue reading 2024-09-07 General