Excess Deaths As you might recall, there was a report that I talked about at length in the 2021-07-05 BC blog post which said that the BC COVID-19 death rate was higher than reported. Now, every jurisdiction’s COVID-19 death rate is going to be higher than reported. (There will be some COVID-19 deaths which got… Continue reading 2021-07-09 BC
Category: BC
2021-07-08 BC
Statistics Today: +59 cases, +1 death, +93,103 doses, +10,159 first doses, +82,944 second doses (of which 528 were AZ). NB: These numbers are so high compared to what we’ve been doing, that I suspect that a bunch of vaccinations from the weekend got written on a piece of paper that fell behind the filing cabinet… Continue reading 2021-07-08 BC
2021-07-07 BC
Transmission From yesterday’s BCCDC Weekly Data Summary, most cases in June were in unvaccinated younger adults. Statistics Today: +56 cases, +0 deaths, +6,671 first doses, +57,120 second doses (513 of which were AZ). I started to freak out about there being a rise two days in a row, but then a friend reminded me that… Continue reading 2021-07-07 BC
2021-07-06 BC
Seroprevalence This tweet has this graph which references StatCan and says that the seroprevalence of COVID-19 in BC after the second wave was about 1.6 (with a possible range of 0.5% to 2.9%, eyeballing): This is very different from the 5 to 6% which this survey (that I reported on yesterday) found. I don’t know… Continue reading 2021-07-06 BC
2021-07-03/04/05 BC
Mitigation Measures The province has announced that universities and colleges are going back to in-person in the fall. Vaccine Clinics Fraser Health has said you can walk in to any of their clinics for your first dose. I heard from someone that VCH — or at least the West End Community Clinic — is doing… Continue reading 2021-07-03/04/05 BC
2021-07-02 BC
Heat This is not COVID-19, but it’s important. The BC Coroner said that there were 719 deaths in the past week, three times as many as would be expected. That means there were about 480 excess deaths, or as many as there were COVID-19 deaths as there were from 12 Feb to now. Statistics Wed/Thu:… Continue reading 2021-07-02 BC
2021-06-30 BC
Vaccination Clinics All vax clinics in BC now welcome drop-ins for first doses. Statistics Today: +44 cases, +0 deaths (second day in a row, yay!), +8,079 first doses, +53,042 second doses (of which 1283 were AZ). Currently 108 in hospital / 34 in ICU, 816 active cases, 145,032 recovered. first doses second doses of adults… Continue reading 2021-06-30 BC
2021-06-29 BC
Note: It was hot again today, so today’s postings are going to be short. I’ll try to catch up in the next few days. Mitigation Measures/Press Briefing The headline today, the major, blinking, 72-point font headline is that BC has moved to Step 3 of the Restart Plan, which takes away most of the restrictions… Continue reading 2021-06-29 BC
2021-06-26/27/28 BC
NB: It has been very very hot here, and I have not wanted to spend a lot of time with a hot computer on my lap. So some news will be delayed. Supply According to the BC CDC Dashboard, we haven’t yet gotten all the Moderna that we were supposed to get last week. They… Continue reading 2021-06-26/27/28 BC
2021-06-25 BC
Vaccinations Here’s Justin McElroy’s weekly vax (first dose) by age charts. As always, the women are getting vaxxed more than the men. I was busy with stuff yesterday so didn’t describe my visit to the West End Community Center, escorting my favorite spouse. Observations, in no particular order: There was no waiting at all. It… Continue reading 2021-06-25 BC