2022-06-10 BC tiny

Reminder: I put this tiny post out on Fridays because I think wastewater level data is really important. Wastewater level is one of the few data sources that can’t be manipulated. Charts Here are the wastewater charts from my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheet. They show things getting better, but it’s still not good. It’s still not… Continue reading 2022-06-10 BC tiny

Categorized as BC

2022-06-03 BC tiny

Charts From my buddy Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: It does look like things are getting better, but they are still not good. The wastewater levels for Vancouver and Fraser are still higher than they were during the Delta wave: From the Government of Canada’s vaccination page, vaccination rates by age over time for one, two, or… Continue reading 2022-06-03 BC tiny

Categorized as BC

week ending 2022-06-02 BC

It looks like things are improving, but they are still not good. The number in hospital is still higher than the max of the Delta wave. FYI, they aren’t good in the USA, either, and they are getting worse in a lot of places. For example, Seattle (yellow is cases, red is deaths; line is… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-02 BC

2022-05-27 BC tiny

Testing Here’s this week’s wastewater charts, from my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheet: Fraser is now clearly going down. Vancouver might be going up, but that might just be noise. North Shore, Richmond, and Langley are looking stable. Note that while the levels are declining, they still aren’t good. They are still two or three times what… Continue reading 2022-05-27 BC tiny

week ending 2022-05-26 BC

Statistics Reminder: people over 70 and clinically extremely vulnerable people are overrepresented in cases (because those are the ones who are allowed to get PCR tests), and hospitalizations/deaths (because they are most vulnerable). They are also the exact demographic which has been getting boosters, so it is possible that that cohort is doing better now… Continue reading week ending 2022-05-26 BC

2022-05-20 BC tiny

The federal vaccination by age over time chart is now getting updated every other week, so you only get the wastewater chart. Why do I make a post that is so small? Because wastewater data — noisy as it is — is one of the most meaningful data sources which we have. The case data… Continue reading 2022-05-20 BC tiny

Categorized as BC, Testing

week ending 2022-05-19 BC

I want to make a cautionary note about the stats. For about six weeks now, the over-70s and clinically extremely vulnerable have been eligible for second boosters. Note that those are also the only group which is eligible to get walk-in PCR tests, so the only ones (aside from hospital admits) who show up in… Continue reading week ending 2022-05-19 BC

2022-05-13 BC tiny

I present to you the Friday charts. Charts From my buddy Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: From the federal vaccination page (they are updating every two weeks now):

week ending 2022-05-12 BC

Press Briefing There was a press briefing on Tuesday, which didn’t actually say much. The major announcement (which was echoed in this press release) was that they have finished getting data from 17 of the 18 Colleges of regulated health care professionals about their vax statuses. Aggregated by College: physicians and surgeons: 98.0% dieticians: 98%… Continue reading week ending 2022-05-12 BC