2022-08-19 BC tiny

Charts COVID-19 levels in wastewater from Jeff’s spreadsheet: Vaccination uptake in BC over time through 14 August 2022, for first/second/third/fourth dose from the federal vax info page: Note that they don’t have a line yet for the 0-4 y/os, but from the legend, 4.4% of the littlest kids have gotten one shot.

Categorized as BC

week ending 2022-08-18 BC

Statistics This week’s BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 13 Aug there were: +877 cases, +181 hospital admissions, +29 ICU admissions, +24 all-cause deaths. This week’s report said that the previous week (data through 6 Aug) there were: +899 cases, +226 hospital admissions, +39 ICU admissions, +40 all-cause deaths. Last week’s BC… Continue reading week ending 2022-08-18 BC

2022-08-12 BC tiny

Charts Jeff’s wastewater charts seem to show that COVID-19 levels are declining verrrrry slowly, maybe: They still are not good, however. You’ll note that the levels are currently higher than they were during any of the pre-Omicron waves.

Categorized as BC

2022-08-05 BC tiny

Charts Metro Vancouver wastewater from Jeff’s spreadsheet:

Categorized as BC

week ending 2022-08-04 BC

Unexpected Consequences This article reports that bike riders hospitalized because of accidents went up ~25% in the first year of the pandemic, despite all-hospitalizations-from-accidents going down slightly and car traffic decreasing by 25%. (Bicycle traffic increased by 48%, so some of the increase in accidents could certainly be from more bikes on the road as… Continue reading week ending 2022-08-04 BC

2022-07-29 BC tiny

Charts From my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheet using data from Metro Van COVID levels in wastewater:

Categorized as BC

week ending 2022-07-28 BC

Well, things look better than I had expected. Maybe. Still not good, but maybe we’re plateauing? Going down? Positivity is still going up, but multiple other metrics are looking good. Statistics This week’s BC CDC weekly report (with data through 23 July) said that in the week ending on 23 July there were: +921 cases, +222… Continue reading week ending 2022-07-28 BC

2022-07-22 BC tiny

Charts From my buddy Jeff’s COVID-19 levels in Metro Van wastewater spreadsheet: I’m not really sure what to make of it. Being stable? Going up? Going down? Hard to tell.

Categorized as BC

week ending 2022-07-21 BC

Statistics This week’s BC CDC weekly report (with data through 16 July) said that in the week ending on 16 July there were: +1044 cases, +246 hospital admissions, +21 all-cause deaths. This week’s report said that the previous week (data through 9 July) there were: +973 cases, +262 hospital admissions, +29 all-cause deaths. Last week’s report  (data… Continue reading week ending 2022-07-21 BC