week ending 2022-10-13 BC


(See also today’s General post for more on this year’s influenza season and why I’m talking about flu shots on a COVID-19 blog.)

This article says that there are mixed reports about whether you have to wait for an invitation to get an influenza vaccine or not. There is a phone number you can call to bypass the invitations (1-833-838-2323) but there have been reports that it’s been busy.

The BC CDC “pathogen characterization” page shows a recent jump in influenza positivity. Cases are still low. (For comparison, in the week ending 11 Jan 2020, which was in the middle of a regular pre-pandemic flu season, there were for 1458 cases.)


This week’s BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 8 October there were: +697 confirmed cases, +181 hospital admissions, +36 ICU admissions, +25 all-cause deaths.

This week’s report said that the previous week (data through 1 October September) there were: +696 confirmed cases, +245 hospital admissions, +30 ICU admissions, +36 all-cause deaths.

Last week’s BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 1 October there were: +697 confirmed cases, +185 hospital admissions, +28 ICU admissions, +19 all-cause deaths.

Last week’s report said that the previous week (data through 24 September) there were: +636 confirmed cases, +198 hospital admissions, +31 ICU admissions, +34 all-cause deaths.

The BC CDC dashboard says that there are 365 in hospital / 19 in ICU on 13 October 2022.


From the BC CDC Situation Report for the week ending 1 Oct:

Note: The Province has reorganized their web site. If they have VOC data anywhere, well, they managed to hide it well enough that I couldn’t find it.