Mitigation Measures There were anti-vax protests today. UBC students got drunk and rowdy and violated distancing measures at a fraternity — and the frat got a $5000 fine. Statistics +785 cases, +2 deaths, +6,266 first doses, +9,191 second doses. Currently 199 in hospital / 112 in ICU, 5,873 active cases, 158,900 recovered. first doses second… Continue reading 2021-09-01 BC
Month: September 2021
2021-09-01 General
Treatments Good news! This preprint says that baricitinib reduces all-causes mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients by 38.2%! Vaccines Remember how I was saying that I thought we’d see that longer doses were better? It turns out that waaay longer is better. This preprint says that for AstraZeneca, antibody levels were four times higher in people… Continue reading 2021-09-01 General
2021-08-31 BC
Treatments This article says that it’s not just Americans being stupid: some feed stores in BC are seeing a run on ivermectin (a dewormer which the fringe right has decided is a good treatment for COVID-19, all scientific evidence to the contrary). Press Briefing Most of the time spent at the briefing was going over… Continue reading 2021-08-31 BC
2021-08-31 General
Vaccines This preprint from Israel says that in the second and third weeks after a third dose of Pfizer, there was a 48-68% drop and a 70-84% drop. This preprint says: Antibody levels are similar in unvaxxed people who get symptomatic and asymptomatic infections. Antibody levels decrease over time. Antibody levels were higher in people… Continue reading 2021-08-31 General