2024-09-07 BC

Cases are rising in the short term but kind of flat over a longer period. Positivity is creeping upwards, and the number in hospital is rising slowly. Wastewater is going up slowly in Fraser Health, flattish everywhere else. Anecdotally, lots of people “have a cold” right now. (It’s not “a cold”, it’s COVID-19, as I… Continue reading 2024-09-07 BC

2024-09-07 General

COVID-19 Long COVID This paper (2024-09-05) reports that baricitinib and anakinra — relatively commonly used immunomodulatory drugs — can effectively treat lung fibrosis in mice (which can cause the Long COVID symptom of shortness of breath). This paper from USA (2024-08-26) reports that even mild COVID-19 infections can cause increased levels of autoantibodies, and Long… Continue reading 2024-09-07 General

It’s not a Summer Cold, it’s COVID

2024-09-02 If you think you have “a cold” right now, it’s almost certainly COVID-19 and not a cold. Nothing Else is Circulating (Much) There’s very little circulation of any upper respiratory diseases except COVID-19 right now.  The BC Pathogen characterization page stopped reporting in April because the trend was going so low, but you can… Continue reading It’s not a Summer Cold, it’s COVID

2024-08-31 BC

Hospitals This article (2024-08-29) reports that Mission Memorial Hospital was going to turn away serious patients away beginning at 8 p.m. on Thursday, August 29 until Friday, August 30 at 8 a.m. This article (2024-08-28) reports that in order to do the switch from paper-based to fully-electronic records at Royal Columbian Hospital, they are going… Continue reading 2024-08-31 BC

Categorized as BC

2024-08-31 General

COVID-19 I’m going to put stars ⭐ next to papers that I think are particularly exciting. My Bad! I have, in the past, referred to the nucleocapsid as the “ball” part of the spiky ball that is a SARS-CoV-2 virion. I was wrong: the “ball” part is called the “envelope”. Inside the envelope is the… Continue reading 2024-08-31 General

2024-08-26 BC

Hospitals Recent hospital closures: Party! The Clean Air Festival is happening in Vancouver on 15 September at Slocan Park (and livestreamed). It’s outdoors and N95-class masks are required! First Nations This article (2024-08-21) reports that Indigenous life expectancy in B.C. fell from 73.3 years in 2017 to 67.2 years in 2021. It fell for 6.8… Continue reading 2024-08-26 BC

Categorized as BC

2024-08-26 General

This post is shorter than normal because Life. And because I spent a lot of time on the Novavax post. Which the literal next day became irrelevant to Canadians, sigh. Long COVID This older case study (2022-02-07) reports that two women with Long COVID got back like 90% of their pre-Long COVID function by taking… Continue reading 2024-08-26 General

Novavax 2024-08-23

Addendum 2024-08-24: Canada is not going to get any Novavax, per this private communication (not to me) (emphasis mine): Thank you for contacting the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) inquiring about the availability of Novavax’s JN. 1 COVID-19 vaccine in Canada. PHAC is working with manufacturers and provinces and territories to ensure the most… Continue reading Novavax 2024-08-23

2024-08-18 General/BC

This article reports that the World Health Organization has declared mpox to be a pandemic, so I guess I will occasionally cover mpox as well. Honestly, world, can we stop having so many pandemics?!?! This article (2024-08-13) reports that World Health Organisation has added Black Death, H5N1 and mpox to its priority pathogens list. That… Continue reading 2024-08-18 General/BC

2024-08-11 BC

Hospitals There have been more staffing-related closures at hospital emergency rooms this week: Wastewater From Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet:

Categorized as BC