Vaccines This article reports that Moderna got really good results with a clinical trial of a booster with half COVID Classic-based plus Omicron-based vax. Moderna says they think it will be available in late summer/fall. According to this tweet, it is better to get vaccines in the morning than in the afternoon. This paper is… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-09 General
Month: June 2022
2022-06-03 BC tiny
Charts From my buddy Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: It does look like things are getting better, but they are still not good. The wastewater levels for Vancouver and Fraser are still higher than they were during the Delta wave: From the Government of Canada’s vaccination page, vaccination rates by age over time for one, two, or… Continue reading 2022-06-03 BC tiny
week ending 2022-06-02 BC
It looks like things are improving, but they are still not good. The number in hospital is still higher than the max of the Delta wave. FYI, they aren’t good in the USA, either, and they are getting worse in a lot of places. For example, Seattle (yellow is cases, red is deaths; line is… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-02 BC
week ending 2022-06-02 General
Long COVID I was puzzled for a long time: all the statistics I saw said that Long COVID was really common — from 5% to 50%, depending on which study you looked at — but I didn’t know anybody with Long COVID! How could this be? I thought maybe it was because my echo chamber… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-02 General