Jeff’s wastewater charts look really noisy. Hard to see a signal in them. (But clearly, they are not good.)
Category: BC
week ending 2022-07-14 BC
Buried in this article is the news that Dr. Henry is taking a 3-month vacation, which is why she wasn’t at last week’s press conference. She’s not dead and she didn’t get fired. Statistics This week’s BC CDC weekly report (dated 13 July) said that the week ending on 9 July there were: +973 cases, +211… Continue reading week ending 2022-07-14 BC
2022-07-08 BC
Press Briefing Today’s briefing featured Health Minister Adrian Dix, Dr. Penny Ballum (who is in charge of the vaccination program), and Dr. Martin Lavoie, (B.C.’s acting provincial health officer). I’m not going to summarize it in as much detail as I have given in the past: the main thrust was pretty low-information-content and the Q&A… Continue reading 2022-07-08 BC
week ending 2022-07-07 BC
It’s not good, folks. The data pretty much all got worse. I don’t think this shows that we are entering another wave, I think it shows that we have been in a wave and can now see it. NOTE: I will have a longer “tiny Friday BC post” to cover whatever happens in tomorrow’s press… Continue reading week ending 2022-07-07 BC
2022-07-01 BC tiny
Happy Canada Day! Charts COVID-19 levels in wastewater, from my buddy Jeff: Variant chart from the BC CDC variants page:
week ending 2022-06-30 BC
Attitudes This article gives some survey results of BCians about COVID-19: 79% think that the worst of the pandemic is over (compared to 55% two months ago); 51% are still afraid of catching COVID-19; 38% have stopped wearing masks in indoor public settings; 32% still wear masks (presumably in indoor public settings?); 28% are hosting… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-30 BC
2022-06-24 BC tiny
Charts From my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheets: BA.4 and BA.5 still aren’t prevalent enough to show up on the BC VOC report, but the Other (which I am guessing is mostly BA.4/5) keeps getting bigger.
week ending 2022-06-23 BC
Mitigation Measures This article reports that Prince George is suing its insurer, who is denying claims for losses stemming from losses due to closures for COVID-19. This article reports that Minister Dix says there are no plans to lift vax mandates for public servants and health-care workers. This article reports that the province says that… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-23 BC
2022-06-17 BC tiny
Wastewater from my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheets using Metro Van data. The COVID levels are still dropping. Vancouver is at about half of its Delta peak, but Fraser, North Shore, and Richmond are all still running close to 3x of their Delta peak. The mix of variants from the BC CDC Variant of Concern report: This… Continue reading 2022-06-17 BC tiny
week ending 2022-06-16 BC
Still better, still not good. Governance This article mostly focuses on how VCH wouldn’t hand over documents to the press, but there are some kind of scary things buried in there. It makes it sound like hospitals were not actually very healthy. (Here’s a story from October on the same document request at Fraser Health,… Continue reading week ending 2022-06-16 BC