Press Briefing/Mitigation Measures
Today, the “vaccine passport” site was announced. NOTE: something people have said is that you can’t have spaces in your Personal Health Number.
The official site has everything, and if you want to read their words instead of mine, you can safely skip down to the next header when you come back.
You can access it via a web browser, and save to your phone or print it out. If you (or your neighbour) doesn’t have web access, they can phone +1 (833) 838-2323, or go to any Service BC centre where they will print one for you, or have a friend print it out for them. There are translations into a 140 languages available.
Not everywhere needs a vax card. Anything essential — grocery stores, provincial or governmental services, etc. — is still open to the unvaccinated. It’s really entertainment, sit-down restaurants, gyms, and events that require a vax card. You can also still do takeout at restaurants and participate remotely in events.
When you enter a place that requires a vax card, you need to present your vax card (or your phone, showing your QR code) and a government ID. (People under 18 will not need to show a government ID.) The business can either scan the QR code with a special app or just look at it.
I haven’t seen anything about what the penalties for forging a vax card are. It will be pretty stupid-easy to forge a printout, and if the business only does a visual scan, they won’t catch forgeries. (Scanning QR code will show the person’s name, so that’s good.)
Fri/Sat: +695 cases
Sat/Sun: +634 cases
Sun/Mon: +563 cases
Mon/Tue: +558 cases
Over weekend, +15 deaths, daily average +3,659 first doses, +5,527 second doses.
Currently 255 in hospital / 126 in ICU, 5465 active cases, 163,062 recovered.
first doses | second doses | |
of adults | 85.7% | 78.5% |
of over-12s | 85.1% | 77.6% |
of all BCers | 77.4% | 70.5% |