2021-02-23 BC

Press Briefing of 23 Feb 2021 From today’s press briefing: +559 cases, +1 death, +1,788 first doses, +3,839 second doses. Currently 238 in hospital / 69 in ICU, 4677 active cases, 7881 under monitoring, 71,753 recovered. There were zero deaths of long-term care home residents today, and I think that’s the first time in a… Continue reading 2021-02-23 BC

Vaccine effectiveness

Over the past two weeks, there have been quite a few studies which have shown that the vaccines work as expected. For example, see: The Economist — “the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduced the hospitalisation rate among inoculated Scots by 85% four weeks after their first dose; the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine lowered hospitalisations by 94%. (The variation between… Continue reading Vaccine effectiveness

2021-02-22 BC

Daily Statistics From today’s press release: Fri/Sat: +504 cases Sat/Sun: +475 cases Sun/Mon: +449 cases +8 deaths over the weekend, +7561 first doses, +18134 second doses. Currently 223 in hospital / 66 in ICU, 4,560 active cases, 7,768 under monitoring, 71,313 recovered. Charts