Vaccines Good news — we should expect immunity to COVID-19 to last a long time. This preprint says that COVID immunity lasts for at least eight months, yay! This paper found antibodies to MERS six years after infection, and this paper found antibodies to SARS after SEVENTEEN years! (SARS and MERS are both closely related… Continue reading 2021-05-04 General
Category: Vaccines
2021-05-03 General
Quarantine This article describes a quarantine loophole for Canada. If show that you had COVID already, you get to quarantine at home instead of at a quarantine hotel. Unfortunately, there’s not a standardized form for positive tests, so it would be easy to forge. Nobody knows if/how many forgeries there are. Vaccines The New York… Continue reading 2021-05-03 General
2021-05-02 General
Vaccines You know how I keep saying we are going to have SO MUCH VAX?From an April 22 Economist article (emphasis mine): “Last week, the billionth dose of covid-19 vaccine was made. It is a sign of how greatly capacity has expanded over the past six months that the next billion could be produced by May 27th,… Continue reading 2021-05-02 General
2021-05-01 General
Vaccines This graph comes from a tweet from someone I don’t know claiming to use Our World in Data data. I have not verified it, but it looks plausible: Note that 80% of the doses in Uruguay are Sinovac. Hungary uses a lot of different vaccines — Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Covishield, Sinopharm, Sputnik V, and… Continue reading 2021-05-01 General
2021-04-30 General
Vaccines Pfizer has shipped some vax from its US plant to Mexico. This is a big f deal. The US has huuuuuge manufacturing capacity, but the was keeping it all to itself. For all that capacity to now be able to distribute to the rest of the world means that the vax rollout everywhere else… Continue reading 2021-04-30 General
2021-04-28/9 General
I was busy on 28 April, sorry. I’m also getting bored with articles/papers which say: OMG look at how well vaccines work! People in a group known to have poor immune responses to vaccines have poor response to just one dose of COVID vax, and should be prioritized for second doses! Here’s yet another vaccine… Continue reading 2021-04-28/9 General
2021-04-27 General
Measures There’s an interesting report on pandemics which were stopped and how it was done. (It’s long, though.) Vaccines Ho-hum, even more vaccines in the news. Today Vietnam’s Nano Covax and Cuba’s Abdala had promising new. (We are going to have SO. MUCH. VAX!)
2021-04-26 General
Borders There is a scathing article about f-ups by the company which runs the international border quarantine program, saying that oversight of people in quarantine is ah weak. Vaccines The US is going to distribute its 60M doses of AZ to other countries. I don’t know how they are going to work around the clause… Continue reading 2021-04-26 General
2021-04-23 General
Vaccines The National Advisory Council on Immunizations today advised that AZ can be given to people as young as 30. They did also say, however, that mRNA vaccines were preferred. I have talked before about how we are going to have SO. MUCH. VAX in the next year. Today, the famous high-tech powerhouse of Kazakhstan,… Continue reading 2021-04-23 General
2021-04-22 General
Vaccines I’m hearing murmurings about “If I am vaccinated, why can’t I do [X]?!?!?!” Because vaccination is not perfect, and it’s not the most important thing, case counts per capita are. If the efficacy of one shot of a vaccine is 80%, it doesn’t mean that if you are exposed, you have an 80% chance… Continue reading 2021-04-22 General