week ending 2022-11-03 BC


Reminder that these statistics are wildly inaccurate. First, the province case counts do not include reinfections for some bizarre reason. Second, the case counts are wildly undercounted: two different studies estimated the undercount as being ~90x. Third, hospitalizations are only counted if the person tested positive on a PCR test; rapid tests don’t count. Fourth, hospitalizations don’t count if they were discharged on the same day.

As of today, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 29 October there were: +486 confirmed cases, +116 hospital admissions, +32 ICU admissions, +23 all-cause deaths.

As of today, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through 22 October) there were: +533 confirmed cases, +180 hospital admissions, +28 ICU admissions, +57 all-cause deaths.

Last week, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 22 October there were: +534 confirmed cases, +148 hospital admissions, +26 ICU admissions, +44 all-cause deaths.

Last week, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through 15 October) there were: +627 confirmed cases, +229 hospital admissions, +32 ICU admissions, +46 all-cause deaths.

The BC CDC dashboard says that there are 286 in hospital / 27 in ICU as of 27 October 2022.


From the BC CDC Week 42 Situation Report (ending 22 October 2022):

From the BC CDC Variants of Concern report ending 3 Nov 2022: