Press Briefing
The press briefing today was really dull. About the only piece of news was that BC is going to get a small amount of J&J (from Europe, not that trash that came from Baltimore), and they are going to offer it first to health care workers who have not gotten vaccinated and who want the J&J. After that, it would be available to the small number of people who have been asking for it.
A reporter asked a question about why people would want the J&J shot. Dr. Henry said she thought it was because J&J is a one-shot. Me, I think it’s because some of the anti-vaxxers are saying that the mRNAs were developed too fast, that the technology is unproven (nevermind that f billions of f mRNA doses have gone into arms all over the f world), and that they want a vax with a more mature technology. IMHO, the older tech is inferior, but yeah sure, whatever.
Today: +500 cases, +5 deaths.
Currently 426 in hospital / 124 in ICU, 4,301 active cases, 203,375 recovered.
Note: Today’s vaccine numbers make no sense, so are not included. Maybe they will make sense tomorrow.