2022-12-16 BC small


Jeff’s spreadsheet charts showing COVID-19 levels in wastewater (using MetroVan data):

Non-COVID Respiratory Illnesses

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the health care system getting slammed by respiratory illnesses, but it looks like the levels peaked between ~26 Nov and 3 Dec!

From the BC CDC Pathogen Characterization page:

Adult non-COVID respiratory viruses:

Pediatric non-COVID Van/North Shore/Richmond:

Children’s Hospital (Vancouver) only:

US Pacific Northwest flu positivity also looks like it peaked around 26 Nov. From the US CDC FluView Interactive:

This article talks about an adenovirus outbreak in Wisconsin.

This article from the USA talks about invasive strep throat. This article from the UK says that at least 19 children have died from strep A.

This is a nice article from the USA which talks about the onslaught of infections this season.

This article talks about the difference between cold, flu, COVID-19, and RSV, and has this very nice chart:

Categorized as BC