2021-09-24 BC


There was been disgruntled chatter in the previous few days about how the province is not reporting people in hospital in the COVID-19 briefings if the person is no longer COVID-19 positive.

Something I realized is that it would be tricky to give the number. What if someone goes to the hospital for a spinal cord injury, and the hospital discovers they also test positive for COVID-19. They never develop symptoms, but are in the hospital for three months. Should they be counted as a COVID-19 patient? I don’t think so, but what criteria would you use to classify them as “not-COVID-patient” vs. someone who came in because of COVID-19? That’s a clear case, but I’m sure there are borderline cases: that guy who came in for a heart attack and tested positive — did he have microclots because of COVID-19 which gave him the heart attack? If you require people to distinguish between whether he’s in the hospital because-COVID or with-COVID, well, that’s going to take some time and executive-brain-effort that hospitals would really rather not spend.

Well, today this article says that the province did give a number — 152 — who had entered for COVID-19 but are no longer infectious, but I don’t know how they calculated that number. The province did say that this did not count people who came in for something else and contracted COVID-19 in the hospital.


This article says that there was an outbreak at Maple Ridge Christian School, with 32 staff and students infected, mostly in grades K-5.


+743 cases, +7 deaths, +​​6,809 first doses, +7,871 second doses.

Currently 319 in hospital / 149 in ICU, 5,979 active cases, 174,281 recovered.

first dosessecond doses
of adults88.0%80.9%
of over-12s87.5%80.0%
of all BCers79.6%72.8%


From the federal government’s vaccination page, the first and second doses by age over time: