2022-06-17 BC tiny

Wastewater from my buddy Jeff’s spreadsheets using Metro Van data.

The COVID levels are still dropping. Vancouver is at about half of its Delta peak, but Fraser, North Shore, and Richmond are all still running close to 3x of their Delta peak.

The mix of variants from the BC CDC Variant of Concern report:

This graph (and others in the BC CDC VOC report) show information about the top cumulative VOCs, which means that it’s basically impossible to see how fast BA.4/BA.5 is growing. They are small right now — BA.4/BA.5 will be somewhere in the grey mass of “other” right now. BA.4 and BA.5 are growing quickly in the US. From the US CDC COVID Data Tracker:

(Reminder: BA.4 and BA.5 have the same spike. They have some differences in other parts of the virus.)

Categorized as BC