This is mostly against COVID Classic or unspecified. There are a few studies against Delta, and someday if I get excited, I will move those to the non-Omicron VOC page. For now, this is kind of a “mothball” page to keep old data around in case I need it. In other words, I am not likely to get excited about updating it.
Where there were studies which looked at effectiveness against COVID Classic vs. other variants of concern, those are at the Vaccine Effectiveness against Pre-Omicron VOCs page.
This review article from 25 September 2021 has a very exhaustive list.
Brand | Against | Where | First shot+M | Second Shot+N |
Pfizer | infection | Israel | 45% | 92% |
Pfizer | infection2 | Israel | x | 94% |
Pfizer | infection3 | Israel | 57% | 79% |
Pfizer | infection | Israel / HCW | 52·4% | 90.5% |
Pfizer | infection | UK / HCW | 72% | 86% |
Pfizer | symptomatic | Israel /HCW | 85% | |
Pfizer | symptomatic2 | Israel | 57% | 94% |
Pfizer | symptomatic3 | Israel | x | 97% |
Pfizer | hospitalization | Israel | 74% | 87% |
Pfizer | hospitalization | Scotland | 85% | |
Pfizer | severe disease | Israel | 62% | 92% |
Pfizer | death | Israel | 72% | N/A |
mRNAs | asymptomatic | USA | 79% | 80% |
Pfizer | transmissibility | Israel | 91% | |
AZ | symptomatic | South Africa B.1.351 | x | 10.6% |
AZ | symptomatic | Scotland | 94% | |
Novavax | symptomatic | B.1.351 | x | 55.4% |
Novavax | symptomatic | UK | x | 89.3% |
Sinopharm | symptomatic | China | x | 78.1% |
Sinopharm | hospitalization | Bahrain, UAE, Egypt, Jordan | x | 78.7% |
Sinopharm | ? | Bahrain | x | 90% |
CoronaVac | symptomatic | Turkey | x | 83.5% |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Turkey | x | 100% |
CoronaVac | symptomatic | Chile | x | 67% |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Chile | x | 85% |
CoronaVac | death | Chile | x | 80% |
CoronaVac | symptomatic | Chile | 16.3% | 66.7% |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Chile | 36.7% | 84.8% |
CoronaVac | ICU | Chile | 42.7% | 88.6% |
CoronaVac | death | Chile | 40.23% | 80.44% |
CoronaVac | symptomatic | Indonesia | x | 65.3% |
CoronaVac | symptomatic | Brazil | x | 51% |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Brazil | x | 100% |
CoronaVac | sub-hospitalization | Brazil | x | 83.7% |
CoronaVac | infection | Brazil / Sao Paolo | x | 51.8-70% |
Pfizer | infection | South Korea | 89.7% | x |
AZ | infection | South Korea | 86.0% | x |
Pfizer | hospitalization over 80 y/o | UK | 81% | 93% |
AZ | hospitalization over 80 y/o | UK | 73% | x |
Pfizer or AZ | hospitalization over 70 y/o | UK | 84% | 81% |
Pfizer | death | UK | 80% | 97% |
AZ | death | UK | 80% | |
Johnson & Johnson | infection | USA | 76.7% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | moderate illness | USA | 72% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | infection | South Africa | 52% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | mild to moderate illness | South Africa | 64% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | severe illness | South Africa | 82% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | moderate illness | Brazil | 66.2% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | mild to moderate illness | Brazil | 68% | N/A |
Johnson & Johnson | severe illness | Brazil | 88% | N/A |
AZ | infection | UK (B117) | 65% | ? |
Pfizer | infection | UK (B117) | 65% | 70% |
Pfizer | infection | England (B117) | 70% | 85% |
Sinovac | deaths | Indonesia HCW | x | 98% |
Sinovac | infection | Indonesia HCW | 13% | 94% |
Pfizer or Moderna | infection | Ontario | 48-71% | 91% |
Pfizer or Moderna | severe | Ontario | 62-91% | 98% |
Sputnik V | symptomatic infection ages 60-79 | Argentina | x | 78.6% |
Sputnik V | hospitalization ages 60-79 | Argentina | x | 87.6% |
Sputnik V | deaths ages 60-79 | Argentina | x | 84.7% |
mRNA | any infection | US HCW (CDC) | 81% | 91% |
CureVac | infection (prelim) | 49% | ||
Soberana | infection? dose 2 out of 3 PRELIM | Cuba? | 62% | |
Abdala | infection? 3 out of 3 PRELIM | Cuba? | 92.3% | |
Novavax | infection | Mexico, US | 90% | |
Pfizer | hospitalization of over 80 y/os | UK | 79·3% | N/A |
AZ | hospitalization of over 80 y/os | UK | 80·4% | N/A |
CoronaVac | infection | Chile | 15.5% | 65.9% |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Chile | 37.4% | 87.5% |
CoronaVac | ICU | Chile | 44.7% | 90.3% |
CoronaVac | death | Chile | 45.7% | 86.3% |
Pfizer | all asymptomatic | Israel HCW | 65.1% | |
Pfizer | infectious asymptomatic | Israel HCW | 69.6% | |
Pfizer | all symptomatic | Israel HCW | 89.7% | |
Pfizer | infectious symptomatic | Israel HCW | 88.1% | |
AZ | asymptomatic infection in high-risk groups | England | 60% | 81% |
Pfizer | symptomatic infection in high-risk groups | England | 60% | |
Pfizer | symptomatic infection in high-risk groups over 65 | England | 89% | |
AZ | symptomatic infection in high-risk groups over 65 | England | 80% | |
AZ/Pfizer | symptomatic infection in immunosuppressed | England | 4% | 74% |
Pfizer | symptomatic in age 16-64 | UK | 48.6% | 93.3% |
AZ | symptomatic in age 16-64 | UK | 50.2% | 78.0% |
Pfizer | symptomatic in age 65+ | UK | 56.6% | 86.7% |
AZ | symptomatic in age 65+ | UK | 60.9% | 76.4% |
Pfizer | symptomatic in immunosuppressed | UK | 15.9% | 73.0% |
AZ | symptomatic in immunosuppressed | UK | 43.9% | 74.6%% |
mRNA | hospitalization, all | US | 86.9% | |
mRNA | hospitalization, 18-49 y/o | US | 97.3% | |
mRNA | hospitalization in immunosuppressed | US | 59.2% | |
Pfizer | asymptomatic infection in pregnant | Israel | 67%, 71% | 97% |
Pfizer | symptomatic in pregnant | Israel | 66%, 76% | 97% |
Pfizer | hospitalization in pregnant | Israel | 89% | |
Pfizer | symptomatic in all veterans | US | 84.0% | 96.25 |
Moderna | symptomatic in all veterans | US | 85.7% | 98.2% |
AZ | symptomatic | Alberta | 61% | 88% |
Moderna | symptomatic | Alberta | 81% | 92% |
Pfizer | symptomatic | Alberta | 75% | 90%3 |
Pfizer 6 month study | symptomatic 7 days to 2 months post dose2 | US / South Africa / Brazil / Argentina / Germany / Turkey | 91.1% | 96.2% |
Pfizer 6 month study | symptomatic at 4-6 months post dose2 | US / South Africa / Brazil / Argentina / Germany / Turkey | 83.7% | |
Pfizer 6 month study | severe | US / South Africa / Brazil / Argentina / Germany / Turkey | 96.7% | |
AZ | asymptomatic to household contacts | Netherlands | 58% | |
Pfizer | asymptomatic to household contacts | Netherlands | 70% | |
Moderna | asymptomatic to household contacts | Netherlands | 88% | |
J&J | asymptomatic to household contacts | Netherlands | 77% | |
CoronaVac | infection | Chile | 65.9% | |
CoronaVac | hospitalization | Chile | 87.5% | |
CoronaVac | ICU | Chile | 90.3% | |
CoronaVac | death | Chile | 86.3% | |
mRNA | hospitalization | USA | 89% | |
mRNA | ICU | USA | 90% | |
J&J | hospitalization | USA | 68% | |
Moderna | asymptomatic infection | Southern California | 72.7% | |
Moderna | symptomatic infection | SoCal | 88.3% | |
Moderna | hospitalization | SoCal | 95·8% | |
Moderna | death | SoCal | 97.9% | |
Sinovac | death | Malaysia | 82.3% | 90.44% |
Pfizer | death | Malaysia | 88.2% | 97.25% |
AZ | death | Malaysia | 75.9% | 99.42% |
Johnson & Johnson | infection, corrected for under-reporting | USA | 79% | |
Johnson & Johnson | infection, not corrected for under-reporting | USA | 69% | |
Johnson & Johnson | hospitalization, corrected for under-reporting | USA | 81% | |
Johnson & Johnson | hospitalization, not corrected for under-reporting | USA | 73% | |
Johnson & Johnson | symptomatic infection | USA | 94% | |
Johnson & Johnson | symptomatic infection | world outside USA | 75% | |
Johnson & Johnson | hospitalization | many countries | 100% | |
Pfizer | symptomatic infection | USA, health care workers | 77.6% | 88.8% |
Moderna | symptomatic infection | USA, health care workers | 88.9% | 96.3% |
Clover | infection | Philippines, Colombia, South Africa, Brazil, Belgium | 79% | |
Clover | hospitalization | Philippines, Colombia, South Africa, Brazil, Belgium | 100% | |
Moderna | 5-month followup, asymptomatic infection | USA, high-risk individuals | 63.0% | |
Moderna | 5-month followup, symptomatic infection | USA, high-risk individuals | 93.2% | |
Moderna | 5-month followup, severe disease | USA, high-risk individuals | 98.2% | |
mRNA | hospitalization, 65-79 y/os | Portugal | 78% | 94% |
mRNA | hospitalization, over 80 y/o | Portugal | 55% | 82% |
mRNA | death, 65-79 y/os | Portugal | 77% | 96% |
mRNA | death, over 80 y/os | Portugal | 56% | 81% |
AZ | ICU or death[1] | Malaysia | 96% | |
Pfizer | ICU | Malaysia | 92% | |
Pfizer | death | Malaysia | 93% | |
Sinovac | ICU | Malaysia | 77% | |
Sinovac | death | Malaysia | 84% | |
Pfizer | infection after 1 month | California | 88% | |
Pfizer | infection after 5 months | California | 47% | |
Pfizer | infection after 16 weeks | North Carolina | 81% | 91% |
Novavax | symptomatic infection | USA / Mexico | 90.4% | |
Novavax | hospitalization / ICU / death | USA / Mexico | 100% | |
AZ | death, 40-60 y/o | Scotland | 88% | |
Pfizer | death, 40-60 y/o | Scotland | 95% | |
AZ | death, over 60 y/o | Scotland | 90% | |
Pfizer | death, over 60 y/o | Scotland | 87% | |
AZ | death, all ages | Scotland | 90% | |
Pfizer | death, all ages | Scotland | 91% | |
Pfizer | infection, 12-17 y/o | Israel | 66% | 90% |
Pfizer | symptomatic infection, 12-17 y/o | Israel | 82% | 93% |
Moderna | infection, male prisoners | California | 56.6% | |
Moderna | symptomatic infection, male prisoners | California | 84.2% | |
mRNA | infection | British Columbia | 90% | |
mRNA | infection | Quebec | 88% | |
AZ | infection | British Columbia | 71% | |
AZ | infection | Quebec | 73% | |
AZ+mRNA | infection | British Columbia | 90% | |
AZ+mRNA | infection | Quebec | 87% | |
mRNA | hospitalization | British Columbia | 98% | |
mRNA | hospitalization | Quebec | 97% | |
AZ | hospitalization | British Columbia | 94% | |
AZ | hospitalization | Quebec | 94% | |
AZ+mRNA | hospitalization | British Columbia | 99% | |
AZ+mRNA | hospitalization | Quebec | 98% | |
mRNA | infection given 3-4 week dose interval | British Columbia | 85% | |
mRNA | infection given 3-4 week dose interval | Quebec | 79% | |
mRNA | infection given 7-8 week dose interval | British Columbia | 91% | |
mRNA | infection given 7-8 week dose interval | Quebec | 89% | |
mRNA | infection given 3-4 week dose interval | British Columbia and Quebec | 93% | |
mRNA | infection given 7-8 week dose interval | British Columbia and Quebec | 99% | |
Covaxin | symptomatic infection | India | 77.8% | |
Covaxin | severe disease | India | 93·4% | |
Covaxin | symptomatic infection, hospital staff, from Delta | India | 50% | |
Soberana 02 | symptomatic infection | Cuba | 71% | |
Soberana 02 | severe disease | Cuba | 63% | |
Soberana 02 | death | Cuba | 59% | |
Soberana 02 with Soberana Plus | symptomatic infection | Cuba | 92.4% | |
Soberana 02 with Soberana Plus | severe disease | Cuba | 100% | |
Soberana 02 with Soberana Plus | death | Cuba | 100% | |
Medicago | infection | Canada/US | 71% | |
mRNA | infection of military veterans | USA | 69% | |
mRNA | death of military veterans | USA | 86% | |
Pfizer | hospitalization for 12-18 y/os | USA (23 states) | 94% | |
Pfizer | ICU for 12-18 y/os | USA (23 states) | 98% | |
Pfizer | death for 12-18 y/os | USA (23 states) | 100% | |
Novavax | infection for 12-17 y/os | USA | 79.5%. |
[1] In Malaysia, AZ is mostly given to younger people, which potentially makes it look better than it is.
Information about various studies:
- Pfizer in Israel: M is 14 to 20 days; N is >=7 days
- Pfizer infection2 in Israel: N is > 14 days
- Pfizer in Israel health care workers: N is 15-24 days
- Pfizer, AZ in Scotland: M is 28 to 34 days
- Pfizer in UK health care workers N is 21 days, M is 7 days
- mRNAs in USA: M is >10 days, N is >0 days
- Pfizer transmissibility in Israel: M is >12 days
- Pfizer symptoms3 in Israel: N is >14 days
- Novavax SA: N is not applicable, M is?
- Novavax UK: N is not applicable, M is?
- Sinopharm in Bahrain, UAE, Egypt, Jordan: M is 21 days; N is unclear
- Sinopharm in Bahrain: M is 21 days, N is 14 days. NB: small study!
- Sinovac in Turkey,Indonesia, Brazil: M 14 days, N is >=14 days
- Sinovac in Chile: M is either 14 or 28 days, N is 14 days
- Pfizer and AZ in South Korea: M not applicable; testing 14 days after first shot.
- Pfizer and AZ in UK for 70+ and 80+: M=28 days, N=14 days.
- J&J in the US: M=14 days, N is not applicable
- Sao Paolo against infection: M is 2-4 weeks
- England/B117: M is 7 days, N is 21 days
- Ontario: M is 14 to 41 days, with efficacy increasing with time, N is 7 days.
- Sputnik V in Argentina: M is not applicable, N is 21 to 40 days
- The mRNA study of health care workers by the US CDC didn’t specify M or N.
- South African J&J against severe illness: M is >=28 days, N is not applicable.
- Over-80s with one dose of AZ or Pfizer in the UK: M is >10 days, N is not applicable.
- CoronaVac study in Chile: N>=14 days, M>= 14 days.
- UK study broken out by brand, age, immunosuppressed: N between 28 and 90 days; M>= 14 days.
- US study on immunosuppressive: M>=14 days
- Israel/Pfizer study on pregnant women: There were two different results reported, one for N=14 to 20 and one for N=21 to 27, M=7 to 56 days
- US Department of Veteran’s Affairs study, 15 Dec 2020 to 4 March 2021: N>0 days, M>7 days
- Alberta data: N>14 days, M>14 days
- The Pfizer six-month study: N>11 days. There were two different Ms, one 7 days to two months, and one two to four months.
- Household contacts in Netherlands: N>14 days, M>7 days.
- USA mRNA/J&J study: N>14 days
- Southern California Moderna study: N>=14 days; dosing interval >= 24 days
- Malaysia AZ/Pfizer/Sinovac deaths study: N, M unknown
- Johnson & Johnson, USA, N, M varied.
- Johnson & Johnson two-dose study, M>=14 days, second dose 56 days after first
- Brazilian MMR study, N, M unknown, 8 week dosing interval
- US Pfizer/Moderna health care workers study, M>=14 days through 6 days after second dose, N>=7 days, through May 2021
- Clover Biopharmeceuticals in five countries, N>=14 days, 28 April 2021 through 10 Aug 2021, doses 21 days apart.
- Moderna 5-month followup in US, M>=14 days, ending 26 March 2021
- Portuguese study in old folks, M>=14 days, N>=14, Feb through Aug 2021
- Malaysian multi-vax study, M>=14 days, published 23 Sept 2021.
- North Carolina Pfizer study, submitted 6 Oct 2021.
- Novavax study in USA/Mexico, 3 weeks between dose1 and dose2, N>=7 days, M>xxx, preprint submitted 10 Oct 2021.
- Scotland study of AZ and Pfizer for under/over 60 y/o, N>=14 days, study period April 1 to August 16, 2021 (mostly Delta variant).
- Adolescents in Israel, M=21 to 27 days; N>=7 days, study from June 8 to September 14, 2021.
- Male prisoners in California, M>=14 days, study from July 16 to August 15, 2021.
- Covaxin against infection, severe disease, N>14 days, study from Nov 16, 2020, and Jan 7, 2021.
- Covaxin against Delta infection for hospital staff, N>14 days, study from April 15 and May 15, 2021.
- Soberano 02 and Soberano 02 with Soberano Plus, Soberano Plus given 28 days after the two-dose Soberano series, N>14 days, study from March 8 to March 31, 2021.
- mRNA in US military veterans, N>7 days, study from 11 December 2020 to 25 March 2021.
- Pfizer in US teens, N>14 days, study from July 1 and October 25, 2021.
See also
This article compares Moderna and Pfizer, though TBH I think they are close enough to not worry about.