The COVID-19 hospitalization level is still stagnant, though the (very noisy) wastewater counts look like they might be trending down.
As of 14 March, the BC CDC situation report says that in the week ending on 9 Mar there were: +462 reported cases, +115 hospital admissions, +14 ICU admissions, and +16 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
In the week ending 2 Mar, they now report that there were +440 reported cases, +136 hospital admissions, +17 ICU admissions, and +16 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
For comparison, in the previous update (2024-03-08) they reported that the week ending on 2 Mar there were: +433 reported cases, +111 hospital admissions, +17 ICU admissions, and +9 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
*All-cause deaths in people who had a positive COVID-19 test in the prior 30 days, that is.
There were 163 people in hospital and 13 in critical care with COVID-19 on 14 March.

From the BC CDC Situation Report:

From Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet: