This is another brief update due to being ultrabusy right now. Hopefully these will be more complete in August.
The news is actually good for a change! Pretty much every statistic makes it look like summer 2021. Now, there’s less testing, so take that with a grain of salt, but it’s clearly better now than it was a few months ago. Yay!
The wastewater charts from Jeff’s spreadsheet (using Metro Van data, which has moved to here) look pretty flattish:

As of July 6, the BC CDC situation report says that in the week ending on 1 July there were: +184 reported cases, +61 hospital admissions, +11 ICU admissions, +5 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
As of July 6, the situation report says that the previous week (data through June 24) there were: +165 reported cases, +69 hospital admissions, +7 ICU admissions, +20 all-cause deaths*.
As of July 6, the situation report says that the week before that (data through June 17) there were: +171 reported cases, +91 hospital admissions, +14 ICU admissions, +19 all-cause deaths*.
As of July 6, the situation report says that the week before that (data through June 10) there were: +183 reported cases, +80 hospital admissions, +10 ICU admissions, +29 all-cause deaths*.
For comparison, in the previous update, it said that in the week ending on 27 May there were: +263 reported cases, +103 hospital admissions, +13 ICU admissions, +11 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
On 6 July, there were 96 patients in hospital and 12 in critical care.
*All-cause deaths in people who had a positive COVID-19 test in the prior 30 days, that is.
From the BC CDC Situation Report as of 6 July:

The Whole Genome Sequencing is missing some recent data, in part because of low sample counts: