I am travelling and last night my ISP was down, so this is delayed and light.
As of today, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 4 Feb there were: +278 reported (not confirmed!) cases, +88 hospital admissions, +21 ICU admissions, +20 thirty-day all-cause deaths.
As of today, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through 28 Jan) there were: +292 reported cases, +96 hospital admissions, +26 ICU admissions, +38 all-cause deaths.
Last week, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 28 Jan there were: +293 confirmed cases, +73 hospital admissions, +26 ICU admissions, +30 all-cause deaths.
Last week, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through 21 Jan) there were: +408 confirmed cases, +123 hospital admissions, +19 ICU admissions, +40 all-cause deaths.
The BC CDC weekly report says that there are 188 in hospital / 25 in ICU as of 9 Feb 2023.
This article says that Island Health basically told health care workers not to test themselves for COVID-19!
This article says that more than 10K workers’ compensation claims in BC related to COVID-19 have been approved.
From Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet using MetroVan data:

From the BC CDC Situation Report page as of 10 Feb (with data through 22 Jan):

The BC CDC VoC report has not been updated since 26 Jan. I don’t know if they are going to stop or what.
From the BC CDC Vaccination Coverage report as of 10 Feb (with data through 5 Feb):