2021-08-18 BC


This article reports that Kelowna General has started to cancel surgeries because of the COVID surge.

The BC modelling group has released another report, which says we are fucked if we don’t introduce stronger mitigation measures and vaccination rates.


This paper says that wildfire smoke makes COVID-19 more transmissible.


+553 cases, +1 death, +3,887 first doses, +13,296 second doses.

Currently 107 in hospital / 53 in ICU, 5,580 active cases, 150,102 recovered.

first dosessecond doses
of adults83.6%75.1%
of over-12s82.8%73.8%
of all BCers75.4%67.1%

We have 512,378 doses in fridges; we’ll use it up in 23.8 days at last week’s rate. We’ve given more doses than we’d received by 23 days ago.
We have 468,636 mRNA doses in fridges; we’ll use it up in 21.7 days at last week’s rate. We’ve given more mRNA doses than we’d received by 22 days ago.


From this tweet:

From this tweet:

From today’s Situation Report: