BC Vaccine Contracts

This table shows how much of what BC has ordered, both of vaccines which have been approved and those for which the orders are more ah theoretical.

Manufacturer (type, effectiveness)# People# BC PeopleStatusExpected EUA*
Pfizer (mRNA, 95%)20M-38M2.5-4.75MApproved2020-12-09
Moderna (mRNA, 94.5%)22M2.75MApproved2020-12-23
AstraZeneca / Oxford (DNA, 62%)10M1.25M Approved2021-02-26
Serum Institute of India / COVISHIELD
(AZ [1])
J&J/Janssen (DNA, 57-72%, one-shot)10M38M1.25-4.75MApproved2021-03-05
COVAX, (Pfizer, AZ, J&J, Novavax, Sanofi)7.5Mish[2]~1.85MSome approved[2]
Novavax (protein, 96.4%/48.6% SA)26M38M3.25M-4.75MApproved2022-02-17
Medicago (virus-like particle, 71%)10M38M1.25-4.75MPh3 done Ph3 done 2021-12-07 2022-02-24
Sanofi/GSK (mRNA, ?)26M36M3.25M-4.5MPh3 done 2022-02-232022-Q2?
Providence Therapeutics (mRNA)Started P1 trials 2021-01-262021-08-01?

Note that I say “people”, not doses, to cope with the vaccines having different numbers of doses per person. Janssen uses one dose, while all the others are two doses per person.

* EUA = “Emergency Use Authorization”, a faster approval process than is normal for vaccines.

[1] Serum Institute of India manufactures the AstraZeneca under sublicense, under the name COVISHIELD, in association with Verity Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

[2] COVAX is a buyer’s coop, led by the World Health Organization, with a lot of different vaccines. Alas, I have not yet found an authoritative list of which vaccines it has. Canada has a contract to get 15M doses through COVAX, but it is not clear how much of which specific vaccines, which means I can’t say exactly how many people that will vaccinate.