2024-06-19 General

Unsolicited Product Recommendation I realized that I forgot to gush about the Readimasks fully in the last General post. They are a little expensive. HOWEVER, they gave a great seal (though see below) and were EXTREMELY comfortable. I do not have dangerously sensitive skin — I don’t go into anaphylactic shock when I touch latex… Continue reading 2024-06-19 General

2024-06-15 BC

This post is brief — the province gave us no data and there wasn’t much BC-specific news about COVID-19 (and the scant news that I did find was boring). Charts From Jeff’s wastewater spreadsheet:

Categorized as BC

2024-06-15 General

COVID-19 The blog has been on hiatus for three weeks and I am feeling overwhelmed. I hope to put out several General postings this week to chip away at the backlog. Personal Story The reason for the hiatus was that I went on vacation to the East Coast of the US for three weeks. This… Continue reading 2024-06-15 General

2024-06-07 BC

COVID-19 wastewater and hospitalizations (the most reliable indicators!) are indisputably going up. COVID-19 Statistics As of 6 June, the BC CDC situation report says that in the week ending on 1 June there were: +310 reported cases, +93 hospital admissions, +11 ICU admissions, and +16 thirty-day all-cause deaths*. In the week ending 25 May, they now report… Continue reading 2024-06-07 BC

2024-06-01 BC

I’m on vacation, so behind on the General posting. Treatments This press release from the Ministry of Health (2024-05-30) says that MSP will now cover Paxlovid instead of the federal government, but doesn’t say anything about eligibility claims. This press release from Do No Harm BC (20204-05-31) says that eligibility is now restricted to people… Continue reading 2024-06-01 BC

Categorized as BC