2021-03-10 BC

Daily Statistics

Today: +531 cases, +1 death, +11,937 first doses, +22 second doses.

Newly reported +50 cases of B.1.1.7, +0 cases of B.1.351, +1 case of P.1.

Currently 244 people in hospital / 66 in ICU, 4,861 active cases, 9,051 under monitoring, 79,309 recovered.

Call Centre

NOTE: People over 85 can call tomorrow to make a booking — they do not need to wait until 15 March.

Today, another 9,384 people booked appointments, bringing the total to 39,163.

Today’s daily (and total) bookings by Health Authority:

Health AuthorityToday’s bookingsTotal
Vancouver Island9446,145
Vancouver Coastal3,2637,699
