As of today, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 23 March there were: +456 reported cases, +135 hospital admissions, +29 ICU admissions, +18 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
As of today, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through March 18) there were: +405 reported cases, +143 hospital admissions, +23 ICU admissions, +30 all-cause deaths*.
Last week, the BC CDC weekly report said that in the week ending on 18 March there were: +405 reported cases, +105 hospital admissions, +21 ICU admissions, +20 thirty-day all-cause deaths*.
Last week, the weekly report said that the previous week (data through March 11) there were: +374 reported cases, +141 hospital admissions, +33 ICU admissions, +26 all-cause deaths*.
*All-cause deaths in people who had a positive COVID-19 test in the prior 30 days, that is.
The BC CDC weekly report says that there are 294 in hospital / 19 in ICU as of 30 Mar 2023.
From the BC CDC Situation Report page as of 30 March (with data through 18 March):
From the BC CDC VoC report as of 30 March(with data through 19 March):
From the BC CDC Vaccination Coverage report as of 30 Mar (with data through 26 March):
NOTE! The BC CDC wastewater page changed its sampling method at the end of February, and says that we should “use caution” comparing post-Feb to pre-March. Sigh.
From the BC CDC wastewater page as of 30 March, covering data through 18 March extracted 20 March: