week ending 2022-05-05 BC

As near as I can tell, things did not get a lot worse this week. The indicators seem to say that the situation is plateauing in BC.


This article says that nurses want to talk about how dire the situation is in the hospitals, but that whistleblowers are being retaliated against.


This article says that Paxlovid isn’t getting prescribed because people can’t get a doctor to see them fast enough because BC doesn’t have enough family doctors.


I hardly know what statistics to trust and use any more, they are such a mess.

From this week’s Weekly COVID-19 report:

  • +2,283 cases
  • +375 hospital admissions
  • +50 deaths from all causes in the 30 days after a COVID-19 positive test

From a report on what the dashboard said (because the dashboard refuses to update that section for me):

  • Currently 550 hospitalized / 39 in critical care (NOT ICU; critical care is more expansive).
  • Last week’s hospitalized was adjusted to be 519.


From the weekly Situation Report:

From the dashboard: