2021-04-18 General


Yet another to add to the list of does-not-mount-good-antibodies: solid organ transplant recipients. Unlike many of the other patient groups (pregnant, lactating, some cancers, kidney dialysis), even a second shot isn’t good enough to get good antibody response. 🙁

Reminder: antibodies are not the whole story. T-cells are also important, and unfortunately are difficult to test for, so usually left out of these studies.

Yet another study out of Israel saying that vaccines work. As part of the study, though, they calculate how much more transmissible B.1.1.7 is than COVID Classic. They calculate that it is 45% more transmissible.

Sinovac — one of the Chinese vaccines — does not work very well with one dose. One shot proved only 16% effective in a study in Chile. Two doses was 67% effective, which is actually reasonable, but 16% is not very good.

After Canada’s health minister said that provinces were free to give shots to all adults, Ontario and Alberta said they would give AstraZeneca to anyone over 40 years old.

Horgan is making an appearance at tomorrow’s press conference, and there is some speculation that he’ll make a similar announcement. I kind of doubt it, that seems like a Dr. Henry announcement and not a Horgan announcement.